Can I mix Prop & Winstrol in the same dart to cut down on number of sticks?
Can I mix Prop & Winstrol in the same dart to cut down on number of sticks?
I thought you shouldn't mix oil and water together?
They don't mix exactly but you can still put them in the same pin and inject.
You want to be careful of the pressure change because the water will go in fast while the oil takes it time.
Or you can just drink the winny.
I would do what Dizzle said..............Drink ItJMO
I do the winny and the prop in the same dart. It will not mix together but that does not really matter. As said above be careful of the pressure change because the winny will go in toooo fast if you let it and then you will have a big lump at your injection site. Just draw up your prop and then get the air out and draw up the winny on top of it. Simple
Good luck
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