Hi guys,
Considering my first cycle for recovery purposes from a number of injuries.
27 y.o, 170lb. All blood work is within normal ranges (endo as well) except for my vitamin B12 levels which are very low, around 70, I believe my B12 levels are a chronic problem that i've just found out about now. Recently i've suffered a number of athletic injuries to my shoulder, hip and knee, all of which are cartilage/meniscus related with no significant damage to other structures. Had surgery on my shoulder 2 months ago, physio and recovery is going well for that, not sure yet if I need surgery for my hip or knee but i'm hoping not. MRI results coming soon.
Right now i'm taking Animal Flex, Vit D, and Vit B12 (to fix my blood levels). B12 is going great, feel well balanced and less arthritic within a few days.
I'm considering doing a deca/test cycle to get myself healthy again. As well, I am wondering if B12 shots would be a better idea then sublingual tablets. I'm also wondering if there are any other supp's (vitamins, HGH etc...) or things I should be doing, if anyone has any experience with a situation similar to mine.