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Thread: Eca stack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Eca stack

    26 years old
    Training for 5 years
    6'2 225lbs
    Bf ???

    I'm trying to drop some weight thinking of trying the eca stack.
    25 e
    200 c
    81 a
    2x day 8 and 12

    Is there any other supplements I should take??? Thx.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    MA, USA
    Wrong forum, none of the compounds involved in an ECA stack qualify as anabolic steroids.

    Regardless, I will attempt to answer your question.
    ECA is most effective and safest when tapered up slowly. ESPECIALLY if you have no predisposition to caffeine!

    Do you have 100mg caffeine (standard strength) or 200mg caffeine (extra strength) dosed pills?
    If it is the latter, simply split them, as well as the ephedrine (if they are 25mg pills) and work your way up over 2 weeks.

    Can you estimate your body fat%, "???" gives me not the slightest idea.

    What sort of training are you planning to incorporate and how do you deem the synergy will be with something like an ECA stack?

    As for other compounds, no, I wouldn't really suggest anything you yourself have not looked into personally.

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