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Thread: New cycle - few months out - planning stage Tren E/Test C

  1. #1

    New cycle - few months out - planning stage Tren E/Test C

    several cycles previously

    Considering my next cycle now, and I have a few questions. I don't have any direct experience with Tren, though I've seen lots of people use it. I'm on TRT, 100mg Cyp a week, (though my script allows up to 200 mg a week. Weird doc)

    Since I've never used Tren, I'm not sure of a couple of things. I've been told to get some Caber in case of Prolactin sides, and I'll have Arimidex on hand. Will I need to bump my Test dose at all? I typically run Test at 600Mg/week when I do cycle, but with the Tren, I'm not sure if that is needed. Also, should I worry about the AI if I do NOT bump my Test dose? I typically need .5mg/day Arimidex with a 600mg/week Test E dose. I don't know about running it with Tren, though.

    Finally, what is a good starting dose for Tren E? I had read anywhere from 300mg-600mg/week. This will vary depending on how much Test I need, I assume. So, for example, would 200mg Test C/400mg Tren E be a good intro to Tren, or should I bump one compound or the other? And how should I apply my AI to that suggested dose?


  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    several cycles previously

    Considering my next cycle now, and I have a few questions. I don't have any direct experience with Tren, though I've seen lots of people use it. I'm on TRT, 100mg Cyp a week, (though my script allows up to 200 mg a week. Weird doc)

    Since I've never used Tren, I'm not sure of a couple of things. I've been told to get some Caber in case of Prolactin sides, and I'll have Arimidex on hand. Will I need to bump my Test dose at all? I typically run Test at 600Mg/week when I do cycle, but with the Tren, I'm not sure if that is needed. Also, should I worry about the AI if I do NOT bump my Test dose? I typically need .5mg/day Arimidex with a 600mg/week Test E dose. I don't know about running it with Tren, though.

    Finally, what is a good starting dose for Tren E? I had read anywhere from 300mg-600mg/week. This will vary depending on how much Test I need, I assume. So, for example, would 200mg Test C/400mg Tren E be a good intro to Tren, or should I bump one compound or the other? And how should I apply my AI to that suggested dose?

    (1) Caber or Prami would be good to have on hand. You will control Prolactin though by controlling estrogen with the addition of an AI. I would start with AI + Vitamin B6 and see if you do need a D2.

    (2) I'd consider using Tren Ace instead of Tren E so if you experience unwanted sides and can't continue using Tren the Tren Ace will leave your system faster.

    (3). 350mg Test / 500mg Tren Ace per week would be my recommendation.

    People will more experience are welcome to add on / correct me.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the reply. What should I dose my arimidex at with that cycle?

  5. #5

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