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  1. #1
    Mwaku is offline Junior Member
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    prop+tren question / shortening cycles


    Im running only 6 weeks

    week 1-6: 1ml prop
    week 2-5: 1ml tren


    "Weeks 1-4: clomid 50mg/day
    Weeks 1-2: Nolva 40mg/day
    Weeks 3-4: Nolva 20mg/day"

    is this ok? ive just done my first shot, was thinking tho, should i just start the tren asap? or should i just wait a week?

    How is the PCT looking? how is everything looking, i know its not a long cycle and i wont see max gains, i dont really mind. this would be my second cycle.


    ~9-11% bf



    with a prop and tren cycle, thats injecting every two days, 1ml of prop and 1ml of tren. how long till a user would see effects of a tren n prop cycle. after 3 weeks, when the tren is finished, then just 1ml of prop every 2days.

    what if a cycle was shortened. 6 weeks of prop, which is like 2 bottles, and 3 weeks of tren, 1 bottle. is this too short to see any effects? or would there be changes, (won't be massive) but at least a few kg of lean muscle increase?

    if a cycle is shortened, does this mean the gains are more easily lost?

    with a tren/prop cycle, would i run clomid a few days after since the half life or the ester (not sure what its called) is short?
    Last edited by Mwaku; 10-27-2011 at 06:59 AM.

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    It would be better to wait until you have enough to run a full 10-12 week cycle. you wont see much if anything but the length of the cycle has nothing to do with what you will keep or loose. What you keep or loose is dependent on your genetics, how close you are to your genetic limitation on growth, your diet and workout routine after your cycle.

    You still need to run a full length PCT of Clomid/Novl. Because your cycle is short doesn't mean you can skimp on PCT. You have still been shut down and need to restart your natural production.

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    personally, I'd wait until i have ALL the gear necessary to do a proper cycle, including PCT

    a haff assed cycle will only get you haff assed results, imho

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    My own expierience i gained 14 lbs till this morning on 75 mg prop Ed I'm middle of week 4 but I'm also on 8iu hgh Ed.
    Some of my buddy's at the gym only run 6 weekers whith the short esters and make really good gains all depends on ur diet.

  5. #5
    Mwaku is offline Junior Member
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    ok what kind of PCT should i be running,

    nolva for two weeks, the clomid for two weeks after that?

    the boxes im getting only have 10tablets, and ive been told one tablet a day..

    does the length u run the pct have a big impact, say if i run it 4 days off from what is advised.

    is it essential to run nolva and clomid, or can you get away with just using clomid as PCT, and maybe having nolva at hand to fight gyno if it occurs

  6. #6
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    Yes the length you run pct is very important. PCT is just as important as everything else in the cycle. Dont skimp on it or you will regret it. I would go so far as to say that pct is just as important as the AAS you run. Just like diet and training they are an integral part.
    If gyno occurs you need an AI not just nolva.

  7. #7
    Mwaku is offline Junior Member
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    i have arimidex on hand, if i get gyno.

    ive concluded to get PCT, nolva and clomid, clomid weeks 1-4, and nova weeks 2-4

    "Weeks 1-4: clomid 50mg/day
    Weeks 1-2: Nolva 40mg/day
    Weeks 3-4: Nolva 20mg/day"

  8. #8
    Mwaku is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2011

    new question

    Im running only 6 weeks

    week 1-6: 1ml prop
    week 2-5: 1ml tren

    is this ok? ive just done my first shot, was thinking tho, should i just start the tren asap? or should i just wait a week?

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