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Thread: test enanthate

  1. #1

    test enanthate

    Any pros/cons/tips for a 12 week one tine cycle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    First let's start w/ what you know about Test E....Thanks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    An Linne Rosach
    Please post your stats
    Years training

  4. #4
    18 years old. 5'11, 175, 7-9% BF. training for 4 years now.

    Well, i know TE speeds protein synthesis, duplicates the number of RBCs, and speeds up growth and recovery. I know unlike Dbol it is not known for shooting water towards muscle, so muscle loss after cycling isnt a big effect (so i have heard) However i know i am young, thats why i dont want to duplicate cycles and stack with Dbol or any other.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    An Linne Rosach
    It has very strong anabolic effects as well as strong androgenic side effects. Gynocomastia and water retention are the most common so all steriods have side effects
    and at 18 do you really think you need them ?,If I were you I would get my diet in check first and see where that takes me

    What makes you wont to cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    An Linne Rosach
    Why are you running two threads with the same question?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by pioneerballer24 View Post
    18 years old. 5'11, 175, 7-9% BF. training for 4 years now.

    Well, i know TE speeds protein synthesis, duplicates the number of RBCs, and speeds up growth and recovery. I know unlike Dbol it is not known for shooting water towards muscle, so muscle loss after cycling isnt a big effect (so i have heard) However i know i am young, thats why i dont want to duplicate cycles and stack with Dbol or any other.
    At 18 take advantage of you own naturally high testosterone. All you need is food,,diet,,training,,and dedication.

  8. #8
    Yes. And baseball performance. College showcases in upcoming month(s)

  9. #9
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    Puttin age aside for a minute, you say a 12 wk one time cycle. I assume you mean you only plan to do one cycle?

    If so post another thread titled "Plan on doing only one cycle, what were your results' and then ask to receive feedback from those who have done this at least a year ago.

    I think you will find its a pretty common thing for people to plan to do one cycle...however I think you will find that the number of people who actually only do one cycle is very, very small indeed.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by pioneerballer24 View Post
    Yes. And baseball performance. College showcases in upcoming month(s)
    So buckle down & kick ur training in2 hi gear (no pun intended) Ur not gona do urself any favors by fvckin up a potential kick a$$ career in MLB due 2 side effects of cycling too yung.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 10-26-2011 at 06:47 PM.

  11. #11
    Well after an intended gain of around 6-8 lbs after one cycle, i will not take another. But i will keep training just as hard..good or bad idea?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by pioneerballer24 View Post
    Well after an intended gain of around 6-8 lbs after one cycle, i will not take another. But i will keep training just as hard..good or bad idea?

  13. #13
    Thank you for the imput..what is your reasoning?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by pioneerballer24 View Post
    Thank you for the imput..what is your reasoning?
    At ur age, ur Endocrine / HPTA is not fully developed, cycling now put u @ significant risk of doing potentially irreversible damage 2 that undeveloped system.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by pioneerballer24 View Post
    Well after an intended gain of around 6-8 lbs after one cycle, i will not take another. But i will keep training just as hard..good or bad idea?
    At your age 6-8 lbs w/a good diet and solid workout routine, it will come around soon enough. And yes, continue to train all the time. And playing baseball doesn't require a person to be in the best shape. Talent dictates your success. Not AAS. As mentioned, diet is your best friend right now. Use your age to your advantage. You will make good gains.

  16. #16
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    Ljubljana Slovenia
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    At ur age, ur Endocrine / HPTA is not fully developed, cycling now put u @ significant risk of doing potentially irreversible damage 2 that undeveloped system.
    Exactly. And if you upset the balance of your endocrine system using test while it is still maturing, there is a high likelihood that once you come off the test, your underdeveloped system will not return to its normal state, thus causing irreparable damage. If this occurs, you will have hormone problems for the rest of your days.

    Take the advice from guys in the know mate. Hold off on the gear until you're about 25 years old.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    At your age 6-8 lbs w/a good diet and solid workout routine, it will come around soon enough. And yes, continue to train all the time. And playing baseball doesn't require a person to be in the best shape. Talent dictates your success. Not AAS. As mentioned, diet is your best friend right now. Use your age to your advantage. You will make good gains.
    HEEEEEYYYYY..................was that a cheap shot @ Americas pass time???

  18. #18
    I feel like from my research and peoples experiences the longterm problens will only occur if i do more than one cycle repetetively

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by pioneerballer24 View Post
    I feel like from my research and peoples experiences the longterm problens will only occur if i do more than one cycle repetetively
    Wut research did u extract that conclusion from?

  20. #20
    I know 3 people, one of 24 years old, one of 19, and one of 21 who cycled at age 18. And i have asked around at many of the guys i talk to at my gym, and have confronted my prior doctor about it. I dont trust the internet 100% lol but your inputs help tremendously

  21. #21
    I agree with the above as well, if you must do this then dont do the test at your age. Run 6-8 weeks of oral winny at 50mg a day. no needles etc to deal with. if you have a bad reaction its out of your system fast as well. it will give you good gains and great for performance as well.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    HEEEEEYYYYY..................was that a cheap shot @ Americas pass time???
    First, it's not "pass" time, it's "past" time. haha...But no, it wasn't. I pitched for several years including college ball. Never used AAS in that time cause i didn't feel the need. But there was guys that did and what it boiled down to was either you can play, or you can't. It's not a contact sport, or even a high cardio sport. It's more mind games and talent. Football, Rugby are different stories.

  23. #23
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    Ljubljana Slovenia
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    I pitched for several years including college ball. Never used AAS in that time cause i didn't feel the need. But there was guys that did and what it boiled down to was either you can play, or you can't. It's not a contact sport, or even a high cardio sport. It's more mind games and talent. Football, Rugby are different stories.
    I'm not a baseball expert, but wouldnt it be more beneficial to have lighter body weight so you can be quick off the mark to steal bases and run around the diamond? Or is it preferred to use AAS to be bigger, heavier, and slower so you can hit more powerfully?

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    First, it's not "pass" time, it's "past" time. haha...But no, it wasn't. I pitched for several years including college ball. Never used AAS in that time cause i didn't feel the need. But there was guys that did and what it boiled down to was either you can play, or you can't. It's not a contact sport, or even a high cardio sport. It's more mind games and talent. Football, Rugby are different stories.
    I had this debate a couple years ago with my brother, he said "past" I said "pass" I Googled it & found it was used both ways, I couldn't find anything that said weather it should b past or pass, I googled it again 2 min ago with the same result.

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