Hey guys, I was wondering if i could get some insight on anabolic steroids. Ive done my research and waited. For the past two years i have been constantly updating my workout plan and nutrition plan until it was solid and ive begun to see gains, very small and slow gains, but gains none the less. However, it has taken 2 years to see even the slightest change in my muscularity. Despite all this work and high intenisty training and proper recovery i have barely changed. Im tired of training day after day and basically no reward. and i dont train like an amateur, i make sure i feel a pump and a burn and leave the gym aching and sore. Ive taken a deeper look into my genetics and every generation in my family has the ectomorph build which is tall and skinny. However I have made my mind and dedicated myself to becoming very fit. No matter what i eat and how much i train theres barely any reward and im now considering a anabolic cycle. please dont hate, but some tips or cycle advise or anything useful would be greatly appreciated.