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Thread: Very New at this...

  1. #1

    Very New at this...

    Hello Everyone..

    I'm 33 5ft11 and 200 lbs and just started working out. I'm trying to develop a plan to get cut fast as I work my ass off too. Is there anyone willing to guide me correctly or have a little time to answer questions and give me some direction?

    Thanks so much!

    Fort Myers, FL

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hello and welcome!

    Have you got yourself into a solid workout routine yet? The key to getting cut is to have good nutrition and sticking to it. If you are unsure about this go into the nutrition section and have a read around. You'll wonna learn about calories, macros and tdee. Maybe post your current eating regime for us to critique.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    ^Agreed. This IS a process, no single answer is going to do it. You have to look at everything to get the best result. Diet/Exercise/Knowledge. Read Read Read! Boxa is right. Go to the nutrition section here:

    and post your diet. Pay special attention to calculating your overall calories, as well as your macros. Don't know how to do that? go here:

    this will get you going. You can also google it.

    You will also need to know your BMR - Base Metabolic Rate. This is your required caloric consumption to "break even", neither gain nor lose weight. Go here:

    Once you post your diet, there will be some comments in areas we see that have potential for improvement. Follow the advice. Two reasons to eat.... enjoyment and nutrition. Some of the food you will eat you may not enjoy. that is certainly the case with me. Damn i hate spinach but i try to eat it twice a week. Try not to get too hung up on it if it doesn't always taste 100%. You probably already know this by now.

    Next comes the routine. You will need to follow the same basic steps i've outlined for diet as you will for your routine. Go here:

    and just like your diet, post your routines and let us look.
    I think one of the biggest problems i had years ago was I over trained, and i didn't know zilch about how to eat so that i could grow.

    Welcome to the board Mate!

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