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Thread: 17 year old and T-bol

  1. #1

    17 year old and T-bol

    My nephew is 17 and was on t-bol 50mg per for 5 weeks. hes 6'2" 225, plays ILB and has a few Div 1 schools looking at him. he confided in me because I think he realized he didn't know what he was doing. I talked him into stopping and gave him a bottle of tamox I had on hand and instructed him to do a 40/30/20/20 protocol, now im wondering if I did the right thing, since hes so young is tamox ok for him, is it better to let his body come back natural or the PCT?

  2. #2
    I made a similar mistake when I was 17-18 years old. Back then I didnt know enough to ask anyone with experience. I think getting off and running PCT is a good idea. Beyond that he should confide in a doctor and let them know what he has taken.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by oldgrappler View Post
    My nephew is 17 and was on t-bol 50mg per for 5 weeks. hes 6'2" 225, plays ILB and has a few Div 1 schools looking at him. he confided in me because I think he realized he didn't know what he was doing. I talked him into stopping and gave him a bottle of tamox I had on hand and instructed him to do a 40/30/20/20 protocol, now im wondering if I did the right thing, since hes so young is tamox ok for him, is it better to let his body come back natural or the PCT?
    You should stress to him that he doesnt need any AAS at his age. In a month or two I would have his hormone levels tested to
    see if hes recovered.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    I made a similar mistake when I was 17-18 years old. Back then I didnt know enough to ask anyone with experience. I think getting off and running PCT is a good idea. Beyond that he should confide in a doctor and let them know what he has taken.
    Good advice but be careful which doctor you confide in. Some are cool with it, some aren't.

  5. #5
    Or he could have someone take him to a Dr and request a blood test to check his levels. That's the only true way to know if your body has rebounded from cycle

  6. #6
    He turns 18 in 3 months, so hes gonna see the doc then, problem is even if his tests are normal they could have been better than normal before. Sad thing is PH's and AS are getting out of control in high school. He knows many kids that are doing AS including test which is insane at 17. The PH's are worse than the AS IMHO, luckily there a lot harder to come by now.

  7. #7
    I wouldn't bother consulting a doctor. The vast majority of them don't know anything about proper protocol for AAS. A great many endocrinologists are clueless, at that. Run the Nolva, wait 30 days from the end of the PCT, then go to the lab yourself and get him tested. He may have done permanent damage, but there really is no way to be sure at this point. Just make sure hes at least in the normal range after this ordeal.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2011
    these threads shouldnt be posted. i see such threads everyday . u know that u r not recommended to do it before 25 and definetely not before 21 so why bothering writing this thread when u know the answer
    and u will do it despite what u hear from professional people in here

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Nebuchadnezzar View Post
    these threads shouldnt be posted. i see such threads everyday . u know that u r not recommended to do it before 25 and definetely not before 21 so why bothering writing this thread when u know the answer
    and u will do it despite what u hear from professional people in here
    1st,. these threads SHOULD b posted, it gives us the opportunity 2 talk som sense in2 em, & 2nd,. I think u may hav misread the OP. He's not asking how 2 cycle @ 17 or 18, he's tellin a story of intervention. Lighten up on the trigger there quick draw.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 10-28-2011 at 07:19 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    I wouldn't bother consulting a doctor. The vast majority of them don't know anything about proper protocol for AAS. A great many endocrinologists are clueless, at that. Run the Nolva, wait 30 days from the end of the PCT, then go to the lab yourself and get him tested. He may have done permanent damage, but there really is no way to be sure at this point. Just make sure hes at least in the normal range after this ordeal.
    best advice..

    remember basically you gave to a minor a control substance...

    and he consumed a class III controlled substance, informing a doc of this could go down a very bad road for both of you..
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