I have done two cycles each time it involved 8 weeks of Test E, Deca, and D-bol. I wanted to try something a little different and was hoping to get the input of some experienced lifters. It has been a long time since I have injected or orally uptaken any form of steroid so I'm a little out of touch with whats new and improved. The longevity of the cycle is not a huge issue when giving me advice on cycles.
I was hoping to do both a bulking and cutting cycle. For the bulk cycle I wanted to use the same steroids because my body responds well to them (if you have any other suggestions for bulking steroids I'm open ears). I wanted to use Test E and Deca at 250mg/ml and 5mg d-bol tablets I was hoping to add in HGH since my friend had great results with it. 8 week cycle 1 injection of deca and test every 4 days and start off with 20mg of d-bol and increase by increments of 5 until maxing out at 40mg. I have no clue how to use the HGH. I have also never done a cutting cycle either so I just need advice because I have been out of it so long I'm basically lost. Thank you for your time.