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  1. #1
    MX89 is offline New Member
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    Cycle for beginner

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this game and am just after a bit of guidance really! I've been training hard for about 8 months and am considering beginning a cycle! I've done some research and think that D-Bol and Winny are a good place to start? I don't want to inject. What are your opinions? I'm 24 and weigh around 180lbs
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Are you sure 8 months of solid training is enough time to be ready for a cycle? What do other people say on this? And what research told you that d-bol and winny are a good place to start? And afraid to inject?

    My opinion is you haven't done enough training in the gym that you should be considering a cycle. And oral only cycles are a bad idea. I don't mean to sound like an ass to you, but I think you need to do more research.
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 10-30-2011 at 03:15 AM.

  3. #3
    MX89 is offline New Member
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    That's the sort of info I'm after, do I need to train harder for a few more months, another year? I just feel like I've hit a flat spot! It's just research I've done myself on the Internet. But want some actual honest opinions based on previous experience and first hand experience! Yeah I've got a phobia of needles so there is no way I could inject!
    Cheers again

  4. #4
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Quote Originally Posted by MX89 View Post
    That's the sort of info I'm after, do I need to train harder for a few more months, another year? I just feel like I've hit a flat spot! It's just research I've done myself on the Internet. But want some actual honest opinions based on previous experience and first hand experience! Yeah I've got a phobia of needles so there is no way I could inject!
    Cheers again
    I think you should train at least a couple years uninterrupted before you should consider cycling. And you said you hit a flat spot? Maybe you should tweak your diet and training up a bit and see if that'll help? Spend some time and go through your diet. How many calories are you getting? Proteins? Fats? Carbs? You might have to do some googling to figure this out.

    For your information, the phobia you have is easy to get over. it doesn't even hurt after you puncture the surface. So if when you feel you're ready, you should probably run a testosterone only cycle. Have you researched PCTs yet?

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board, MX
    My opinion is steroids /drugs should be the last thing to consider when weight lifting/body building. Typically, one would hope one would have a few solid years building a natural foundation based on a solid lifting routine and very clean diet consisting of 5 or 6 meals a day, and optimal consumption of calories split out between the correct macro ratio. By taking steroids now, before you have really built any foundation, pretty much any gains you get now from drugs will not be retained after a few months of completing your cycle. We get this question constantly from those that want results, but without having to put forth the necessary effort to attain those results, hence they see drugs as a short cut, saving time and effort.
    I think all would agree they would be extremely happy to gain a solid and consistant 10lbs of lean mass every year they lift. That would mean within 10 years, you could go from 180 to a very solid 210. This is achievable, especially for those just starting out, without the use of drugs.
    I urge you to go to the nutrition center here and read, then post your diet plan so we can see areas of opportunity for you:
    At this stage in your development, it is extremely important to learn as much as possible. Effort without knowledge = minimal gains.
    Once you have dialed in your diet, then focus (you can do this simultaneously) on your routine.
    Go to the workout center here:
    and post your workout routine. I am sure there will be plenty of opportunities for improvement here as well.

    Let's be real honest. You have much learning to do, and are not ready for steroids.

    But it is good you asked the question, so now you know.

    Good luck mate!


  6. #6
    MX89 is offline New Member
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    Thanks ever so much for the replys! I think deep down I knew this, which is why I asked and didnt rush in! Will sort the diet and workout and give it another year!
    Thanks again MX

  7. #7
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MX89 View Post
    Thanks ever so much for the replys! I think deep down I knew this, which is why I asked and didnt rush in! Will sort the diet and workout and give it another year!
    Thanks again MX
    Welcome mate
    Which is exactly why you did the right thing... you asked a question, got information, then made a decision. In this case, it was the right one!

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