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Thread: Off Cycle Gyno

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011
    The heart of the desert.

    Off Cycle Gyno

    So guys, I have recently finished my 1st cycle.
    Weeks 1-4 Anadrol 50mgs/day
    Weeks 1-10 Test E 500mg/week
    Weeks 12-17 Clomid 100/50/50/50 Nolva 20/20/20/10/10

    The cycle went great. I gained 30 lbs and kept 20lbs after PCT. During cycle there was a short period while on the Anadrol that I got sore nips that I quickly cured with .25mgs/day of Letro for about 12 days, and then didn't have anymore problems during cycle. The reason why I'm starting this thread is because about a week after my PCT was complete I started getting sore nipples and it seemed as though they were getting hard fairly often. Like an idiot I didnt even think about the possibility of gyno because I was of cycle and done with PCT and not taking anything. This soreness has slowly gotten a little worse everyday for about 2 weeks until one day it finally clicked, "HELLO!!! Gyno you ****ing idiot!" So after my cycle and PCT I had about 2 mgs of Letro leftover and about 16 20mg pills of Nolva. I started taking .25mgs/day of Letro about 6 days ago and the soreness has gone down, and now that they aren't so sore I can actually give them a good feel, and this morning I noticed a pea sized lump under the left nipple. My plan is to take my remaining Letro for the next 2 days and then start 20mg/day of Nolva just to try and keep it in check until I find the correct course of action (hopefully you guys can point me in the right direction). I have already ordered my next cycle (the order contains Nolva for my PCT) and I will have it in hand in about a week and a half. So my question to you guys is, what is the best plan of action from here on out? I wanted to use the Letro immediately because it seemed urgent enough to warrant its use, but I'm guessing that since I'm not on cycle and I have seemed to get it to go down a bit that maybe some sort of Nolva regiment will be sufficient from here on out. I'm all ears and willing to do or order whatever I need. Thanx guys.

    Also just a side note, I have a hook up that can get me Letro in 4 days if need be.

    And another short question. Will this little hick-up prolong the necessary wait time until my next cycle? I finished PCT in early September and was planning to jump back on January 1st, but I'm guessing I may need to allow more time for my hormones to stabilize now since this bullshit has arose.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    The heart of the desert.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Wow I am kind of shocked that no one has posted in this... Me personally I would run nolva. I had some minor gyno coming off my cycle a year or more ago.. And nolva cleared it right up. I try to avoid letro at all causes... I know people who have used it... And its some strong stuff....

    Did you run any sort of AI threw out the cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    The heart of the desert.
    Thanx for the response c-z. No I did not run any AI during cycle because I didn't want to hinder gains, instead I chose to just keep the letro on hand just in case. I used it at .25mg/day for about 2 weeks because my nips started getting just a tad bit tender during the 1st four weeks when I was on the Anadrol. It worked like a charm and I didn't have any other issues until I was completely done with PCT. So at what dosage would you recommend the Nolva and for how long? Also will this prolong my necessary "off" time until my next cycle?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Caught me just before heading in for bed....
    Ummm hummm... How long have you been off of your cycle? And how long since you have completed your pct?

    If you say your order is arriving in more then a week I would prob just settle with letro. And try to get rid of it asap. .25mg

    Why would you not run an AI after getting sore nips at the beginning of your cycle? AI don't really hinder gains... I feel like its a big mind thing to me.... And even if It does slightly... I rather hinder my gains then have gyno...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011
    The heart of the desert.
    I've been off cycle for about 2 months and been done with PCT for about 2 weeks maybe a little longer. The reason I didn't run an AI after the sore nips is because I figured it had to be caused by the Anadrol because of its high aromatisation (spell check). After I got the sore nips I took the Letro until I was done with the Anadrol and then figured I might be in the clear while I was running test only. I take my last .25mg of Letro tonight and then I will start 20mgs/day of Nolva for one week (or until all signs of gyno are gone) and taper down to 10mg/day for another week.

    I've definitely learned my lesson and as long as it doesn't get any worse I will consider myself lucky for only having a minor issue with it. ALL future cycles for me will definitely include an AI. I was planning on starting an Anadrol, Test E, Tren E cycle on January 1st, but now I'm not sure if I should wait a little longer or not. Either way, when I start it I will be running Anastrozole the whole time to be safe.

    On a side note, I have been loosing a little weight since I started the Letro which is a little depressing, but I'm still up 15lbs from my starting point. Hopefully its just water wait and the weight loss discontinues when I switch from Letro to Nolva. If you have any other recommendations I'm all ears, and thanx for all your help c-z.

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