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Thread: Would anyone disagree with my doctors advice ??????????

  1. #1

    Exclamation Would anyone disagree with my doctors advice ??????????

    okay so ive made a few too many threads about gyno in the last few days so dont worry this will be one of the last i promise !! basically i have a lump under my nipples slightly larger than a pea,all started about 10 days into my PCT, not visible altho it may be slightly when my nipples arent stiff. when they are tight/stiff everything looks completely fine. ive always had slightly puffy/saggy nipples but never been an issue or visible to others and dont look any difference to many freinds. chest is one of my strong points of my body too. so yea i went to the doctors and he had a feel because the lump has got bigger since last week, the answer i got was " i wouldnt worry, its nothing" i said about taking anti estrogen drugs to try combat it and he said " no dont take anything, it will go away natually and shouldnt get any bigger" now im stuck in a difficult position, what should i do ??? i dont want to just go by my doctors advice incase hes wrong and it still continues to get worse. what would you guys do if you were in my position ?? im thinking
    1: leave it another week drug free, see how it is altho i dont want it to get bigger that its not reversable
    2: get some letro and try that and see how that goes
    3: continue taking my arimidex which i started y-day @ 1mg e.d.
    PCT finished today and its possible that my nolvadex is duff as that hasnt helped in any way.
    what would you guys do in my position honestly ?? i can get my hands on some letro but its pricey, i just want to make sure it doesnt get worse and possibly try to reverse it A.S.A.P. !!!
    is it possible to be making things worse by taking anti estrogen drugs etc ??
    thanks and advice would be extremely gratefull !!!!
    Last edited by flyguy6661; 11-04-2011 at 11:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Does the Doc know you use / used steroids? I wouldnt mess with the Letro if ur Nolva is no good, u will b left defenselessly vulnerable 2 the rebound. Of coarse u could get some new Nolva too.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 11-04-2011 at 11:09 AM.

  3. #3
    yea i explained i used steroids to him mate

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661 View Post
    yea i explained i used steroids to him mate
    Well then my assumption is that he doesn't know much, if anything about the Gyno effects that AAS has on the male body. I very hesitant 2 advise u 2 use an AI as harsh as Letro when Nolva has been proven 2 reverse Gyno as well, I'd try 2 get my hands on some better Nolvadex 1st.

  5. #5
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    ah man, for the last time, just leave the damn thing. any time i ever got gyno it was not pea like, more like a miniature hockey puck. if you're insistent on taking something then use nolva, letro is harsh and could leave you worse off with the rebound

  6. #6
    i may not be able to get my hands on more nolvadex and i dont want to get more as the stuff i got may well be real and just isnt having the best effect on me, yes thats what i thought about my GP in the way of him not knowing too much on that subject. i hear letro is the best drug to take when it comes to gyno problems, is their a chance that it wont get worse/bigger and disapeer natually ??
    thanks for the respond

  7. #7
    hah sorry dec for another post. would arimidex be fine to use @ 1mg e.d for now just like i said getting more nolvadex may not be an option, use arimidex 1mg e.d for few more days and if it still continues to get worse/larger then letro time ! also how long does it take arimidex to start working ??

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661 View Post
    hah sorry dec for another post. would arimidex be fine to use @ 1mg e.d for now just like i said getting more nolvadex may not be an option, use arimidex 1mg e.d for few more days and if it still continues to get worse/larger then letro time ! also how long does it take arimidex to start working ??
    all i know is that adex can also give a rebound so i wouldnt bother using that. your doctor has already told you its nothing, listen to him. it could be an unrelated cyst, plenty of people have them and they are pea like, i had one taken out of my neck

  9. #9
    I would listen 2 Dec's advice over mine bro, he's quit a bit versed / schooled in this stuff then I. Good luck.

  10. #10
    dec i do listen to your advice honestly but nolvadex may not be an option right now or for at least a week, all i have on hand is about 40 tabs or arimidex @1mg per tab and i can lay my hands on some letro if needed so rather than staying drug free will i be better off running the arimidex for now rather than nothing and see where that takes me ??
    thanks alot

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661 View Post
    dec i do listen to your advice honestly but nolvadex may not be an option right now or for at least a week, all i have on hand is about 40 tabs or arimidex @1mg per tab and i can lay my hands on some letro if needed so rather than staying drug free will i be better off running the arimidex for now rather than nothing and see where that takes me ??
    thanks alot
    one more time, just leave it. i'll put the most knowledgeable pct drug guy on here on to this thread, maybe you'll listen to him.

  12. #12
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    So you're in PCT and you have gyno?

    What PCT compounds are you taking?

    What was your AAS cycle, compounds, doses?

  13. #13
    yea ive just finished my month pct of clomid & nolvadex
    clomid 100mg first 10 days then 50mg after
    nolvadex 40mg e.d was going to drop to 20 but kept it at 40 when i noticed a little lump
    my cycle was
    week 1-8 propionate 100mg eod
    anavar week 1-6 tapering up to 100mg e.d
    and yes i think i have gyno

  14. #14
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    You have a rebound from finishing the SERMs too fast and not tapering them down, it happens in some.

    I'd assume your endogenous testosterone is sky high from the PCT. When that aormotases and increases E it causes problems. Thats what I think, but it might not be the case.

    I'd hope on some Aromasin 25mg/ED for 5 days, then down to 10mg/ED for 2 weeks. Also Tamox 40mg/ED until sides subside, then down to 20mg/Ed for 1 week, 10mg/ED one week.

  15. #15
    thanks swifto, if im able to lay my hands on some more nolvadex as its possibly fake would nolvadex & arimidex work okay rather than aromasin ?? extremely skint but sure i could lay my hands on 1 item.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661 View Post
    thanks swifto, if im able to lay my hands on some more nolvadex as its possibly fake would nolvadex & arimidex work okay rather than aromasin ?? extremely skint but sure i could lay my hands on 1 item.
    i doubt nolva is faked tbh, its cheap as chips

  17. #17
    true, if this is the case wouldnt that mean nolva isnt for me when it comes to helping gyno and i need to try something else ?? cheers dec and swifto.

  18. #18
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    You should continue the Noladex for 2 weeks after you stop the clomid at 20mg daily.I am 2 weeks into my pct with clomid and nolvadex after discontinuing test prop and tren a 2 weeks ago and i have signs of high test now....sounds like your doc thinks if you take away the cause of the gyno it will shrink on its own,which is possible if it hasnt been there for a long time..
    Last edited by MR10X; 11-04-2011 at 12:31 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661 View Post
    thanks swifto, if im able to lay my hands on some more nolvadex as its possibly fake would nolvadex & arimidex work okay rather than aromasin ?? extremely skint but sure i could lay my hands on 1 item.

    0.5mg/ED Arimidex, 40mg/ED Tamox. Try that and see how you go.

  20. #20
    cheers swifto il do just that, hope my nolva int bunk too !!
    il give it a week if its worse then probally hit the letro once and for all.
    il keep you boys posted.
    thanks again

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