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Thread: Some questions

  1. #1
    streeter's Avatar
    streeter is offline Associate Member
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    Some questions

    I am planning my second cycle right now and have some questions. Heres my stats...again cuz I know you'll ask
    46 years old
    Been on HRT for a year so I won't be doing any PCT
    Done one basic cycle in the past 500 mg test a week and 30mg dbol for 4 weeks 12 week cycle
    205 pounds 5'10

    OK heres first question. I hear test stays in your system longer dependent on where you pin example it supposedly stays in your system longer if you pin the delt. Can anyone give me a link to this kind of info?

    Second any problems with pinning Deca in the delt?

    Last question I need some help planning my cycle.
    Week 1-4
    Dbol 40mg daily

    Week 1-10
    Sust 600mg Deca 400mg

    Week 11-14
    Test E 600mg and Deca 400mg

    Plan on taking a few weeks off then run winny for 4 weeks 50mg with my HRT amount of test

    I will need to switch from sust to test e during the cycle due to my amount of sust on hand. I guess I need help planning the best way to pin this stuff to get the most gains with the least amount of pins per week. I only like pinning glutes first then delts I have never pinned anything else.

    I have liquid and pill form AI on hand Anastrozole also will have caber on hand when I start. Whats the best way to use it? I can go liquid .25mg EOD or 1mg pill once a week or buy a pill splitter I guess any suggestions as to the best way to run the AI?

    I also have Nolva and Clomid on hand liquid even though I don't PCT is there any use for these during this cycle?

    I will take HCG 250mg twice a week just cause I don't like small nuts even though I won't be having any more kids in this lifetime

  2. #2
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    OK, the ester attached to the hormone determines how long the compound is active in your body, not where you inject. IMo your getting a little crazy with your second cycle. I would go with this...
    Test 500
    Deca 300-400
    D-bol last 5 weeks of cycle at 30-40mgs ed.

    Dont switch test at the, just run straight through.

    Nolva would be good to have to help if eastrogen problems accure, but it will most likely be from progesterone if you didnt have issues during your previous cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by streeter View Post
    I am planning my second cycle right now and have some questions. Heres my stats...again cuz I know you'll ask
    46 years old
    Been on HRT for a year so I won't be doing any PCT
    Done one basic cycle in the past 500 mg test a week and 30mg dbol for 4 weeks 12 week cycle
    205 pounds 5'10

    OK heres first question. I hear test stays in your system longer dependent on where you pin example it supposedly stays in your system longer if you pin the delt. Can anyone give me a link to this kind of info?

    Second any problems with pinning Deca in the delt?

    Last question I need some help planning my cycle.
    Week 1-4
    Dbol 40mg daily

    Week 1-10
    Sust 600mg Deca 400mg

    Week 11-14
    Test E 600mg and Deca 400mg

    Plan on taking a few weeks off then run winny for 4 weeks 50mg with my HRT amount of test

    I will need to switch from sust to test e during the cycle due to my amount of sust on hand. I guess I need help planning the best way to pin this stuff to get the most gains with the least amount of pins per week. I only like pinning glutes first then delts I have never pinned anything else.

    I have liquid and pill form AI on hand Anastrozole also will have caber on hand when I start. Whats the best way to use it? I can go liquid .25mg EOD or 1mg pill once a week or buy a pill splitter I guess any suggestions as to the best way to run the AI?

    I also have Nolva and Clomid on hand liquid even though I don't PCT is there any use for these during this cycle?

    I will take HCG 250mg twice a week just cause I don't like small nuts even though I won't be having any more kids in this lifetime

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    OK, the ester attached to the hormone determines how long the compound is active in your body, not where you inject. IMo your getting a little crazy with your second cycle. I would go with this...
    Test 500
    Deca 300-400
    D-bol last 5 weeks of cycle at 30-40mgs ed.

    Dont switch test at the, just run straight through.

    Nolva would be good to have to help if eastrogen problems accure, but it will most likely be from progesterone if you didnt have issues during your previous cycle.
    This pretty much sums it up.
    Good Luck

  4. #4
    streeter's Avatar
    streeter is offline Associate Member
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    OK I agree, So since I have 20ml of Pentadex anyone see any issue with me using it for my HRT to save on Test E? Kinda a little ramp up toward my cycle. I don't want to just not use it since I have it on hand. Or should I use it for a small burst of 6 to 8 weeks at a later time?

  5. #5
    streeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    OK, the ester attached to the hormone determines how long the compound is active in your body, not where you inject. IMo your getting a little crazy with your second cycle. I would go with this...
    Test 500
    Deca 300-400
    D-bol last 5 weeks of cycle at 30-40mgs ed.

    Dont switch test at the, just run straight through.

    Nolva would be good to have to help if eastrogen problems accure, but it will most likely be from progesterone if you didnt have issues during your previous cycle.
    Let me make sure I understand what your saying about Nolva. Take anastrozole during cycle to prevent conversion to estrogen but if any gyno starts to occur it will be because of progesterone so start taking Nolva to fight it ? If I have that correct how much?

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    is test e what you use for you hrt?
    if you have the sust you can use it for your cycle then switch back to your normal trt protocol
    You have 2 injections per week. I would rotate injections sites its always a good idea.

  7. #7
    streeter's Avatar
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    I have plenty of Test E but not enough Sust to do a cycle and I am now thinking of taking others advise and just running a testE/Deca cycle. So I was thinking on using the Sust for HRT just to use it and save on Test E. I currently take 150mg Test E/Cyp every 7 days so if I wanted to use the Sust for HRT does it have enough long esters to make it 7 days? I would hate to have to split it up into 2 injections a week just to use it for HRT

  8. #8
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    so do a 10 week cycle of the sust.

  9. #9
    streeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    so do a 10 week cycle of the sust.
    I could do that but I wanted to go 14 weeks my last cycle I went 12 so I could go 10 and use the Test E for the last 4 but that puts me right back where I started and people here thought I shouldn't switch in the middle of a cycle but I'm not sure what the harm would be?

  10. #10
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    there isnt a harm with switching. I dont see any reason to go 14 weeks either

  11. #11
    streeter's Avatar
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    My last cycle I really didn't see much gains until week 6 I really want to at least go 12 weeks. I think I will see how I manage using sust as my HRT for a few weeks it will also let me know for sure I don't have bunk gear because if it is no good my body will let me know within a week. If it is good to go I will just use it as my HRT until it's gone or until I start my cycle then just up it and when it runs out switch to my test E which I know for sure is good to go. So again does anyone know if sust has enough long ester to go 7 days between pins?

    Is there really any real advantage using sust in a cycle compared to test E if your running 500mg a week of either one?

  12. #12
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    yes sust was originaly designed for that. You can go 7 days for trt on it

  13. #13
    streeter's Avatar
    streeter is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    yes sust was originaly designed for that. You can go 7 days for trt on it
    Thanks Bro I think I will go that route since I have experiance with Test E and don't really want to complicate things with the sust and I also don't want to waste it since I am on HRT for life I think I will just use it in my HRT protocol until its gone thanks again

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