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  1. #1
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Blood Sugar while using AAS

    Hello all,

    As many of you know I cruise and blast and also use slin. Well recently I decided to check my blood sugar to make sure I was not becoming diabetic due to my slin usage.

    Well so far I have run two tests both just to get an average baseline, the first was 87 mg/dl and the second was 78. This is great news in that my levels were certainly not diabetic, however normal readings are in the low to mid 100s however one of the drugs that can cause a low reading are anabolic steriods .

    Since I am on TRT I do not have the opportunity to stop and see how much my levels rise without AAS. So my question for anyone who may know is, how much does does AAS lower numbers in your experience, by the way I am currently on approx 400mg of cyp a week, just dropped my dosage 10 days ago from a gram plus Cyp/Deca blast so I am not sure how much my AAS is currently in my system.

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    normal reading are not low to mid 100's. years ago it was 80-120 now they lowered the normal range 70-100.

    you are fine

  3. #3
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Thanks for the reply Gixxer,

    I am going to run the Glucose tolerance test on Tuesday. I am sure you probably know this but for others who may not, this is where you only drink water for 8-12 hours then get a baseline reading (should be <100) then drink 1.75gms per kilo of body wieght or a maximum of 75 grams of glucose and wait two hours then test again. At this point it should be <140 showing that the body is still producing iadequate amounts of insulin .

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i think an a1c test is better if you are truly worried about it.

    But you are also correct about steroids lowering bg levels. On cycle i need less slin then off

  5. #5
    DAAS's Avatar
    DAAS is offline Senior Member
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    I remember seeing some stuff on the interweb saying testosterone can be used in type 2 diabetics to help keep Blood glucose levels down.

  6. #6
    PetrX is offline Associate Member
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    I'm type 1 diabetic, I did a cycle of test e for 10 weeks and only needed insulin once a day compared to my usual 5-6 times a reasoning was because muscle burns fat and when on test u produce more muscle therefore sugar burns faster...something like that..

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