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  1. #1
    streeter's Avatar
    streeter is offline Associate Member
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    Aromasin vs anastrozole vs nolva

    OK let me make sure I understand these correctly.
    Anastrozole competes with estrogen in the binding to keep estrogen from binding correct?
    Aromasin which is tamox or is it stane and tamox is nolva blocks estrogen from being created
    Nolva fights progesterone? How do you know if your having a problem if it's estrogen or progestrone caused?

    I have only used anastrozole in the past and am wondering when and if I need the others for my next cycle? Can someone please explain it easily for my simple mind thanks

    I have anastrozole and Nolva on hand my next cycle will be a test and deca cycle. I am getting caber as well as someone suggested I believe in case I get deca dick. Am I way off on understanding these chemicals or do I have it right?

  2. #2
    streeter's Avatar
    streeter is offline Associate Member
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    OK I am reading the profiles on steroid .com and figuring these things out I guess I was off on a few things but would still appreciate any help understanding them.

  3. #3
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    Nov 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by streeter View Post
    OK let me make sure I understand these correctly.
    Anastrozole competes with estrogen in the binding to keep estrogen from binding correct No, it's an AI that will inhibit the coversion of T to E by reducing the aromatase enzyme in the body and lower total E blood values?
    Aromasin which is tamox or is it stane and tamox is nolva blocks estrogen from being created Aromasin is exemestane which is another AI with the same actions as above (in my experience it's superior to arimidex and has no rebound)
    Nolva fights progesterone? How do you know if your having a problem if it's estrogen or progestrone caused? Tamox is a serm (selective estrogen receptor modulator) which will not lower estrogen in the blood but will keep it from binding to specific E sites like breast tissue for preventing/reversing gyno

    I have only used anastrozole in the past and am wondering when and if I need the others for my next cycle? Can someone please explain it easily for my simple mind thanks

    I have anastrozole and Nolva on hand my next cycle will be a test and deca cycle. I am getting caber as well as someone suggested I believe in case I get deca dick. Am I way off on understanding these chemicals or do I have it right?

    You have everything you need except the understanding of what they do

  4. #4
    streeter's Avatar
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    So it seems choosing the right AI during cycle can have a big effect on how much you gain. Some raise igf and some lower igf some raise test levels others don't. So is it a individualised thing or is there a preferred AI to use during a cycle and going off cycle back to HRT levels? Right now I plan on using either .25mg liquid anastrozole ED or 1mg every 3rd day. I have liquid nolva and clomid on hand as well. Should I buy Exemestane and use it instead of anastrozole?

  5. #5
    streeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    You have everything you need except the understanding of what they do
    HAHAHA I don't know why these AI,s confuse me so much. Your correct I am pretty green when it comes to understanding them but at least I have the balls to come on here and ask the questions instead of posting "OH Shit I am in trouble and need help" LOL I am really trying to understand the differences and figure out which one to run at waht time and how much. The test part I got down Thanks for the post I am starting to understand them but they all seem so closely related I have trouble seeing the differences.

    OK Thanks don't run Nolva unless I get gyno sides got it.

    The only one of the three I don't have on hand is the stane should I get it?
    Last edited by streeter; 11-06-2011 at 08:32 PM.

  6. #6
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    The AI you choose is personal preference. Arimidex is inferior for me personally but I really like exemestane, I'm sure others will say the opposite.

    I wouldn't run nolva on cycle unless you have a gyno issue that the AI won't take care of and clomid should be unnecessary being that you're on TRT.

  7. #7
    streeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    The AI you choose is personal preference. Arimidex is inferior for me personally but I really like exemestane, I'm sure others will say the opposite.

    I wouldn't run nolva on cycle unless you have a gyno issue that the AI won't take care of and clomid should be unnecessary being that you're on TRT.
    Perfect and easy to understand THANKS Bro. I might buy some stane just in case. I have never had any sides before at all except a little bacne but this next cycle I will also use deca . I was pretty irregular with arimidex last cycle and still didn't have any sides. Its hard to know how much to take so i tried to go by feel but I plan on being more strict with it next time. I have liquid and 1mg pills if I use the pills should I get a pill cutter or just go for it 1mg every (?) days? Liquid seems easier I can just take .25mg every day but I have more 1mg pills than liquid so I know I will be using them.

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