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  1. #1
    nemesisd is offline New Member
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    Frontloading Eq??

    Im planning a sustanon and Eq cycle.Does frontloading the Eq make sense since its a longer ester??

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    what are your stats and what dosages are you running and for how long?
    eq is a waste IMO

  3. #3
    nemesisd is offline New Member
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    35-5'8-215-bf 20+

    10 weeks
    400 mg eq
    250 mg Sus

    Hoping to gain some muscle but lose bf

  4. #4
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by nemesisd View Post
    35-5'8-215-bf 20+

    10 weeks
    400 mg eq
    250 mg Sus

    Hoping to gain some muscle but lose bf
    Eq. will giv u a slightly "longer wind" but hardly noticeable, it's not a good muscle gaining compound. Also ur BF% is a little hi bro, AAS raises ur BP, so BF over 15% puts u at greater risk of heart attack due 2 hi BP, also the likelihood of gyno is greater.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 11-07-2011 at 01:27 PM.

  5. #5
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    I wouldn't bother with that cycle. The benefits will hardly be worth the risk or cost (especially at 20+% bf)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    I wouldn't bother with that cycle. The benefits will hardly be worth the risk or cost (especially at 20+% bf)
    I agree

  7. #7
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Is this your first cycle? if not you can make just as good gains at 20% BF as you can at 10% BF.To lose BF you need to lower your calorie intake,if your not eating a lot of calories then it will make gaining new muscle harder to do.You should lose weight before you start the cycle. If this is not your first cycle then EQ is a good safe compound that will help gains over a test only cycle.
    Last edited by MR10X; 11-07-2011 at 06:23 PM.

  8. #8
    redz's Avatar
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    If this is not your first cycle then EQ is a good safe compound that will help gains over a test only cycle .
    I found EQ to be utterly useless other than making me a bit more hungry. cycling at high bf% is a bad idea for a ton of reasons, one people don`t consider is the fact that people get hooked on using steroids as a crutch to get in shape. If you can`t get in shape naturally you shouldn`t be cycling.

  9. #9
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    EQ is useless except for adding a little vascularity and increasing hunger.

    Don't count on losing fat on EQ, that shit makes me so hungry I honestly cannot control my appetite.

  10. #10
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    If your not making gains with EQ you need to look at something else like your training or diet.Not everybody can keep a low BF,infact i see very few people that are below 10-15% BF,the ones that are dont make any progress and look the same year after year.Pro competetors gain a lot of Bf in the off season when they are bulking and trying to add muscle,many are over 20%BF.If you want to be leaner,lose weight before you cycle because you will gain some weight when you start your cycle.Using steroids just to look good is stupid....

  11. #11
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    If your not making gains with EQ you need to look at something else like your training or diet.Not everybody can keep a low BF,infact i see very few people that are below 10-15% BF,the ones that are dont make any progress and look the same year after year.Pro competetors gain a lot of Bf in the off season when they are bulking and trying to add muscle,many are over 20%BF.If you want to be leaner,lose weight before you cycle because you will gain some weight when you start your cycle.Using steroids just to look good is stupid....
    I disagree here.....

    I've gained 85lbs in the last 9 years..... 3 of which I took off completely from working out. I'd say i've got a pretty good handle on how to pack on some size..... it's taken me a while to figure out how to change my routine and diet for muscle growth. Ofcoarse I am still learning..... however..... I can firmly say that EQ is the most USELESS compound in bodybuilding. I've used it two times. I figured maybe I just didn't give it a fair shot..... so I decided to run 1000mg's/wk for 12+ weeks along with some test to see what it can do. If 1000mg's a week wont do anything then i'm done because i'm not willing to use 2 grams of that stuff a week.

    What do yah know..... it disappointed me once again. I LOVE test only cycles..... I make great gains from test. Now and then i'll use tren ..... but test is king IMO. I am well aware of how test makes me feel. The combo of Test and EQ was virtually the same..... that tells me that EQ sucks.

    Sorry to disagree..... I just wont spend another dollar on a compound that barely does anything at all. Not only that..... but why would anyone want to run a compound for a minimum of 12-14 weeks to see results? Then to top it off...... EQ doesn't improve the cross linking connectivity of new tendon fibers it helps build. Threefore making the new fibers brittle and weak..... which in turn means they are more susceptible to tearing. Similar to winstrol .....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  12. #12
    sizzlechest's Avatar
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    I cant Believe all the $hit talk about EQ. If your gear is Good you get great results on EQ. It need to be run for 14 weeks IMO. As far as your cycle goes I think at 20% + BF you need to slim down first. If you really need the mental help and think steroids are great run oral winny for 8 weeks at 50mg a day. You shoud be taking in about 1700-1800 cals a day. 3 days of lifting (2 body parts a day) and 2 days of cardio and abs. 2 excersises for each body part x 15 reps x 5 sets. Do 1 minute of high intsity cardio between eat set (1 minute on step climber at speed of 7-8) . You should be able to drop below 15% in two months time. For the next thing Im going to suggest I might catch some flack. But if you dont know how to eat Try nutrisystem for two months and just add 3 protein shakes a day to the program.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    eq is a waste IMO
    The ONLY time I enjoyed EQ was when I was running Ft. Dodge and pinning with Prop every day. Vascularity definitely improved by taking in 100mg / ED of the stuff (50mg/ml was the concentration of Ft. Dodge) but I didn't get added hunger or more endurance.

    You'd be better running var at 50mg/ED than using EQ.

    I'm a firm believer

  14. #14
    nemesisd is offline New Member
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    My bf only measures high at my mud section.all the other spots measure in the 15% range.i blame it on my age (35).i have done many cycles before but i havent done 1 in years (almost 10).i have a friend that had a really high bf and he used eq with test e and hardened up alot while still gaining muscle.thats the reason i want to try this eq/sust like to try to stay at my current weight (215) but be more muscular/vascular/lower bf.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest View Post
    I cant Believe all the $hit talk about EQ. If your gear is Good you get great results on EQ. It need to be run for 14 weeks IMO. As far as your cycle goes I think at 20% + BF you need to slim down first. If you really need the mental help and think steroids are great run oral winny for 8 weeks at 50mg a day. You shoud be taking in about 1700-1800 cals a day. 3 days of lifting (2 body parts a day) and 2 days of cardio and abs. 2 excersises for each body part x 15 reps x 5 sets. Do 1 minute of high intsity cardio between eat set (1 minute on step climber at speed of 7-8) . You should be able to drop below 15% in two months time. For the next thing Im going to suggest I might catch some flack. But if you dont know how to eat Try nutrisystem for two months and just add 3 protein shakes a day to the program.
    So from the OP listing his stats, you can come up with the exact diet he needs to run, the cycle which suits him best, and the WO and cardio program that will yield the results he's looking for?

    Give me a fvcking break.

    Edit: and don't even get me started on nutrisystem, let me guess, it worked wonders for your wife?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    So from the OP listing his stats, you can come up with the exact diet he needs to run, the cycle which suits him best, and the WO and cardio program that will yield the results he's looking for?

    Give me a fvcking break.

    Edit: and don't even get me started on nutrisystem, let me guess, it worked wonders for your wife?
    I specifically said if he does not know how to eat. The stuff works and teaches portions etc.. not the best tasting but it works just need to up the protein. I did try it with the wife once and she lost the baby weight and I wend down around 20 ibs as well.I guarantee he will lean out on the program. I learned it from a very good trainer and anyone else who has tried it has been happy. it will work on anyone, now for people who have done this before they can make their own diets.

  17. #17
    nemesisd is offline New Member
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    But still,does anyone have an answer to the actual question?? Does it make sense to front load eq??

  18. #18
    sizzlechest's Avatar
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    I dont front loading will make the ester work any faster. Just when it does you will have more in your system. You will get better results if you run it longer like 14-16 weeks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest View Post
    I cant Believe all the $hit talk about EQ. If your gear is Good you get great results on EQ. It need to be run for 14 weeks IMO. As far as your cycle goes I think at 20% + BF you need to slim down first. If you really need the mental help and think steroids are great run oral winny for 8 weeks at 50mg a day. You shoud be taking in about 1700-1800 cals a day. 3 days of lifting (2 body parts a day) and 2 days of cardio and abs. 2 excersises for each body part x 15 reps x 5 sets. Do 1 minute of high intsity cardio between eat set (1 minute on step climber at speed of 7-8) . You should be able to drop below 15% in two months time. For the next thing Im going to suggest I might catch some flack. But if you dont know how to eat Try nutrisystem for two months and just add 3 protein shakes a day to the program.
    Ok so let me get this straight:
    1- EQ = Greatresults
    2-50mg oral winny for 8 weeks = prudent cycle
    3=Nutrisystem = prudent diet

    With a kinder , gentler posting demeanor : I sincerely disagree with virtually every contention you made in this thread other than the OP should slim down. Otherwise I found the majority of your advice inaccurate and very imprudent. Borderline foolish in fact. Hey to each his own - I just think it prudent to point this out to the OP for his own benefit.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    Is this your first cycle? if not you can make just as good gains at 20% BF as you can at 10% BF.To lose BF you need to lower your calorie intake,if your not eating a lot of calories then it will make gaining new muscle harder to do.You should lose weight before you start the cycle. If this is not your first cycle then EQ is a good safe compound that will help gains over a test only cycle.
    so cycling at a high bf % is a good idea? you now rating EQ as being better than test?
    Last edited by dec11; 11-09-2011 at 11:50 AM.

  21. #21
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    OP - I dont personally frontload anything.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest View Post
    I cant Believe all the $hit talk about EQ. If your gear is Good you get great results on EQ. It need to be run for 14 weeks IMO. As far as your cycle goes I think at 20% + BF you need to slim down first. If you really need the mental help and think steroids are great run oral winny for 8 weeks at 50mg a day. You shoud be taking in about 1700-1800 cals a day. 3 days of lifting (2 body parts a day) and 2 days of cardio and abs. 2 excersises for each body part x 15 reps x 5 sets. Do 1 minute of high intsity cardio between eat set (1 minute on step climber at speed of 7-8) . You should be able to drop below 15% in two months time. For the next thing Im going to suggest I might catch some flack. But if you dont know how to eat Try nutrisystem for two months and just add 3 protein shakes a day to the program.
    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest View Post
    I specifically said if he does not know how to eat. The stuff works and teaches portions etc.. not the best tasting but it works just need to up the protein. I did try it with the wife once and she lost the baby weight and I wend down around 20 ibs as well.I guarantee he will lean out on the program. I learned it from a very good trainer and anyone else who has tried it has been happy. it will work on anyone, now for people who have done this before they can make their own diets.
    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest View Post
    I dont front loading will make the ester work any faster. Just when it does you will have more in your system. You will get better results if you run it longer like 14-16 weeks.
    you give the most consistently horrendous 'advice' on this forum. it really is time staff clipped your wings

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by nemesisd View Post
    35-5'8-215-bf 20+

    10 weeks
    400 mg eq
    250 mg Sus

    Hoping to gain some muscle but lose bf
    my advice is try and get the bf down to 15% first. at 20% you arent going to see any poss gains under the fat mate. EQ is consistently slated here, by those who know.

  24. #24
    nemesisd is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest
    I dont front loading will make the ester work any faster. Just when it does you will have more in your system. You will get better results if you run it longer like 14-16 weeks.
    Thanks that makes sense

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by nemesisd View Post
    Thanks that makes sense
    man, do yourself a favour and listen to the likes of Hazard, and ignore sizzlechest's 'advice', its not good at anytime

  26. #26
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    You guys can talk $hit all you want. EQ is a good compound. Winny oral cycle works great as well. I don't think nutri syetem is great but it works you just need more protein added to it. Its a no brainer for someone who has not learned portions etc... This from my personal experience and a few people around me. Its not PC to say do a winny only cycle. Most people on these boards and in general are more interested in looking like a CK underwear model vs Ronnie Coleman. They want to look better and attract woman, and they want it done fast. Serious BB is a whole different ball and game. Based on the guys original post I took it as he wants to get from A to B and get there in the fastest manner possible. I gave him advise he can follow as a novice. Its not easy to figure out calories and percentages of fat, protein, carbs etc... for a new guy. You start and you learn from there. Just my $0.02. Nothing I said above is dangerous or without any merit. He will take his EQ not matter what anyone here tells him because he probably already bought it and is exited like a kid on Christmas morning. No need for personal attacks.

  27. #27
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    ^^^ a personal attack would be an insult directed twords an individual. I see none of that ITT. I see poeple disgreeing with your opinion and advice - but no where did anyone "attack you persoanlly" or call you names, etc. Perhaps you shouldnt take it so personally when someone disgrees with your opions.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest View Post
    You guys can talk $hit all you want. EQ is a good compound. Winny oral cycle works great as well. I don't think nutri syetem is great but it works you just need more protein added to it. Its a no brainer for someone who has not learned portions etc... This from my personal experience and a few people around me. Its not PC to say do a winny only cycle. Most people on these boards and in general are more interested in looking like a CK underwear model vs Ronnie Coleman. They want to look better and attract woman, and they want it done fast. Serious BB is a whole different ball and game. Based on the guys original post I took it as he wants to get from A to B and get there in the fastest manner possible. I gave him advise he can follow as a novice. Its not easy to figure out calories and percentages of fat, protein, carbs etc... for a new guy. You start and you learn from there. Just my $0.02. Nothing I said above is dangerous or without any merit. He will take his EQ not matter what anyone here tells him because he probably already bought it and is exited like a kid on Christmas morning. No need for personal attacks.
    i didnt attack you, i simply pointed out that your 'advice' shouldnt be heeded because its mostly bad.

    jez, i didnt know there were so many aspiring knicker models on here. lmao at that assumption
    Last edited by dec11; 11-10-2011 at 10:35 AM.

  29. #29
    Sc0rch is offline Associate Member
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    My first cycle was EQ adding winstrol last 5 weeks of a 14 week cycle. I put on 17lbs and kept over 10. Dropped a waist size as well.

    Love EQ. Using it right now with test at only 300/300 weekly and I get good gains. I think using 600/600 every week is a waste and I just don't need it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    i didnt attack you, i simply pointed out that your 'advice' shouldnt be heeded because its mostly bad.

    jez, i didnt know there were so many aspiring knicker models on here. lmao at that assumption
    Lmao. Wtf is a knicker model?

  31. #31
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    I believe its an underwear model.....

  32. #32
    nemesisd is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sc0rch
    My first cycle was EQ adding winstrol last 5 weeks of a 14 week cycle. I put on 17lbs and kept over 10. Dropped a waist size as well.

    Love EQ. Using it right now with test at only 300/300 weekly and I get good gains. I think using 600/600 every week is a waste and I just don't need it.
    What kind of test are you using? I am planning on 250 sustanon with 400 eq

  33. #33
    Sc0rch is offline Associate Member
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    Using endo..n test and eq. If you meant the ester it's enanthate

    That would be a good cycle.

    Some people respond well to EQ and others do not.

    I would be careful front loading. EQ really jacks my heart rate and blood pressure if I do too much. It tried front loading at 600mg a week and it was too much.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sc0rch View Post
    My first cycle was EQ adding winstrol last 5 weeks of a 14 week cycle. I put on 17lbs and kept over 10. Dropped a waist size as well.
    Were you running that stellar cycle alongside some of that shitty chinese gh ? Just wondering.....

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Were you running that stellar cycle alongside some of that shitty chinese gh ? Just wondering.....
    *ouch* lol

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    Lmao. Wtf is a knicker model?
    what most of are aspiring to be apparently lol

  37. #37
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest View Post
    I dont front loading will make the ester work any faster. Just when it does you will have more in your system. You will get better results if you run it longer like 14-16 weeks.
    Well actually, technically front loading should work.... At least it does on paper as far as reaching peak blood hormone levels. many report that they 'dont feel' it any quicker, however that doesn't mean it is not working

    Ask marcus about high dosed short burst cycles

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Were you running that stellar cycle alongside some of that shitty chinese gh ? Just wondering.....

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    what most of are aspiring to be apparently lol
    I would love to be a knicker model

    Do i get to see other knicker models in there knickers (females please)

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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    I would love to be a knicker model

    Do i get to see other knicker models in there knickers (females please)
    i once dreamed of being a gusset coverage inspector....

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    i once dreamed of being a gusset coverage inspector....
    I once dreamed of being one of Eva Mendes' thongs, jk

    Sorry OP for taking this thread off track

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