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  1. #1
    toddze is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011

    Surgery/steriod question

    I am having a laproscopic abdominal surgery to correct a problem I was born with. Basically they are cutting 5 little holes in my abbs to get to the problem. because of that the doc tells me i wont be able to lift anything for 6 weeks. and after the 6 weeks period it will be minimal lifting for months. The cut abbs is what will keep me out for so long. For me this is devastating on 2 fronts.

    1: I am an avid lifter, I have been lifting for over a decade with no more than a week off at any given time, and I have never taken steroids , as I am somewhat genetically blessed, in terms of mass. But missing months without being able to lift will be hell. I cant stand to sit by and watch 10+ years of dedication and hard work go down the pisser.

    2: My job is rather physically demanding as well, as I work in the oil field. I get paid hourly, but I really make my living by working over time hours. If im stuck on light duty there's no way I can get the over time hours. It will financially put me in a bind over a pro-longed period of time.

    I have been trying to research steroids for surgery recover but all i am seeing is stuff about surgery's involving joints, which doesn't apply to me as mine is skeletal muscles only. So my questions are.

    Would steroids help my Abdominal muscles recover faster?

    Would I have a chance in hell getting my doctor to prescribe me a steroid ?

    If my doctor wouldn't prescribe me steroids what would be a good steroid for me to consider, if I could find some?

    btw I am 28 years old

  2. #2
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Aug 2011
    R u asking if steroids provide a wolverine like healing effect? Steroids arent the answer here bro. I would obey the doc's orders, they r in the position they're in cuz they went through MANY yrs of med school & training, not bcuz they gave it their best guess & got lucky. Theres good reason behind the orders, I would obey.

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i agree dont take anything and follow your dr's advice. It will come back fast and also if you really havent take time off in 10 years and you have a hard job your body could use the rest.

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    I agree w/both above. And your hard work won't go down the pisser. You'll re-coop just fine.

  5. #5
    toddze is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011
    Ok thx for the advise. I am well aware that theres no fast "wolverine" fix, but if i could shave off a month or so i would be happy, and thats all I was trying/wanting to accomplish.

  6. #6
    FCVtec's Avatar
    FCVtec is offline Associate Member
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    You will only increase your risk of injury. If you damage that area further after surgery you may have a MUUUUCCCCHHHH bigger problem, and that will take you a lot longer to recover from. Also, if you built a steroid free base over a decade you will manage to keep it. You'll bounce back and look like you used to in no time.

    HGH is known to speed healing, I would still follow your MD's orders even if you do get some GH.

  7. #7
    toddze is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011
    ahh thanks i didn't think about HGH, I just started doing research on HGH post surgery, and that sounds like a much better option than a steroid . I will run that buy him on my pre-op appointment. I also just want to reiterate that, im not just only concerned about loosing my figure (which that is a major concern of mine). But being put on light duty at work would put me in a world of hurt. I make my money by putting in overtime and theres no way ill be able to do that being on light duty. Just getting a measly 40 hours a week wont pay the bills for a pro-longed period of time.

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