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  1. #1
    homeboy69 is offline New Member
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    torn between these two cycles any advise??

    lookin to get into another cycle, only gonna be my second one so not tryin to get to crazy with it just put on as much lean mass as possibly with a mild cycle, im 5'11 195lbs BF around 13%
    first cycle was test e 500mg 1-12 week and dbol 30mg 1-4 week had great results
    i have a really clean diet puttin in around 350g protien and 150 carbs all chicken, tuna and rice/pasta and liftin 4 times a week (slackin on cardio but plan on priming before cycle for month or two to get my BF around 10%)
    im kinda up in the air about these two cycles
    test p 100mg EOD 1-8 weeks and maybe low dose around 15-20mg of dbol the whole duration for protien synthesis? (but dont want the water retention i experienced from boosting in my previous cycle)
    test e 500mg 1-12 weeks
    winny 1-4 and 8-12 weeks

    PCT nolva 40/40/20/20

    any advice on which will produce better results?
    and is HCG a necessary in these cycles since they dont contain anything very surpressing like tren or deca ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I would say test prop and winny 8 weeks.

  3. #3
    Doctapeppa is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by homeboy69 View Post
    lookin to get into another cycle, only gonna be my second one so not tryin to get to crazy with it just put on as much lean mass as possibly with a mild cycle, im 5'11 195lbs BF around 13%
    first cycle was test e 500mg 1-12 week and dbol 30mg 1-4 week had great results
    i have a really clean diet puttin in around 350g protien and 150 carbs all chicken, tuna and rice/pasta and liftin 4 times a week (slackin on cardio but plan on priming before cycle for month or two to get my BF around 10%)
    im kinda up in the air about these two cycles
    test p 100mg EOD 1-8 weeks and maybe low dose around 15-20mg of dbol the whole duration for protien synthesis? (but dont want the water retention i experienced from boosting in my previous cycle)
    test e 500mg 1-12 weeks
    winny 1-4 and 8-12 weeks

    PCT nolva 40/40/20/20

    any advice on which will produce better results?
    and is HCG a necessary in these cycles since they dont contain anything very surpressing like tren or deca?
    If you had great results with your last cycle, why not do it again?

    Edit: Also your diet is not great. Your macros are off.
    Last edited by Doctapeppa; 11-08-2011 at 04:33 PM.

  4. #4
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Im about to finish week one of prop and I def. prefer it to test e. Its nice to start a cycle and not have to wait forever for an ester to kick in.

  5. #5
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    You realize that 350g protein and 150g carbs is only 2000 calories, right?

  6. #6
    homeboy69 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by funkymonk View Post
    You realize that 350g protein and 150g carbs is only 2000 calories, right?
    yeah but tryin to keep carbs/calories down due to my lack of cardio(waiting for my broken foot to heel all the way) and id like to bring my BF down some also, should i be eating more carbs anyway?

    xelnaga- are you runing anything else in your prop cycle??

  7. #7
    BiG SEXi DAMAGE is offline Junior Member
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    also calories from fat? work out your daily caliory intake them minus 200calories if you wana trim up then increase if you wanna grow

  8. #8
    BiG SEXi DAMAGE is offline Junior Member
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    how much your body needs to maintain its current weight

  9. #9
    tobetutz's Avatar
    tobetutz is offline Associate Member
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    Lean mass is like an oxymoron... If you wanna grow you have to eat to grow, if you want to cut aka lean out you have to eat accordingly. Non the less try eating every three to four hours. Stay anabolic . There is a forum for posting up your diet. Try putting your diet there and have someone look at it in order to give you better advice. Because from reading your post there is not enough info to help with your diet.

    Dbol will give you water weight thus bloating you up. Do a bunch more research, this place has a ton of good info and expert bro's will point you in the right direction.

    Good luck
    Last edited by tobetutz; 11-08-2011 at 07:09 PM.

  10. #10
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Option #2...Don't forget clomid in your PCT. And might as well keep HCG around in case...

  11. #11
    homeboy69 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tobetutz View Post
    Lean mass is like an oxymoron... If you wanna grow you have to eat to grow, if you want to cut aka lean out you have to eat accordingly. Non the less try eating every three to four hours. Stay anabolic . There is a forum for posting up your diet. Try putting your diet there and have someone look at it in order to give you better advice. Because from reading your post there is not enough info to help with your diet.

    Dbol will give you water weight thus bloating you up. Do a bunch more research, this place has a ton of good info and expert bro's will point you in the right direction.

    Good luck
    i been researching on here everyday for the past couple months and theres no doubt i could always learn a bunch more i love this site! (its been sort of an addiction haha)
    but i realize dbol is gonna blow me up with water wit prior expirence from my previous cycle using it to kick start my long ester cycle with a 30mg dose a day but what i dont know is will it still bloat me a ton with a smaller dose around 15mg??
    obviously no need to kick start a short ester cycle, knowing most ppl stack tren with their prop cycles but im not ready for something that powerfull yet so i guess what im lookin for is a good "lesser" alternative for tren in my prop cycle..any suggestions or should i just run prop alone for now?

  12. #12
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    dbol doesn't have to blow you up with water. It'll only bloat you if you eat bad and don't drink enough water. You may hold a little anyways but you won't have that moon face look. I never get it from dbol or anadrol .

  13. #13
    BiG SEXi DAMAGE is offline Junior Member
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    i dont get it either but it swolls my muscles

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