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Thread: I have a huge problem!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    San Francisco

    I have a huge problem!

    hey guys,
    I just had an officer leave me a message on my cell saying that he is doing a on going investigation about a order i had for a research company or my PCT, I live in Cali. I heard about the FDA cracking down on all these websites. I just bought bottle clomid/nolva/estro blocker. Anyone have any experience with this? what should I do? freaking out

  2. #2
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    Last edited by The Bishop; 11-13-2011 at 10:18 PM.

  3. #3
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    am i really need a lawyer for this? did not know it was illegal. im just not gonna cal him back or anything.

  4. #4
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    Last edited by The Bishop; 11-13-2011 at 10:18 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    thanks man thats what im gonna do, just dont want any problems i hope this is not a big deal

  6. #6
    When he says remain silent that means to everyone. Even family and friends. Any lawyer will advise you to do the same. They can always be called to testify.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    lol he is fishing cant prove you brought it sum1 stole your card used ya comp you no think lol why would he give you heads up he ant got sheeeeeet on you proby wants your supplyer be carefull when you get package k do not open for a while get sent under fake name but to late i guess dont worry stick with above statement

  8. #8
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    Sep 2007
    Strange, without delving into this too much, how the f did this cat get your number??? Super strange!!!! Like its been said, dont say shit. Dont want to scare you but if hes got your number is it possible he has your address? Dont say shit that is your right, dont believe their hype about cooperation helping your case its all bs. If this guy is persistent then tell him you will not talk to him without counsel. Good luck and keep us posted.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2007

    (Written by local lawyer here in Ft Lauderdale)

    You are Right to Remain Silent

    After 35 years of practicing law in the trenches of state and federal courts, I have narrowed my advice for all my clients down to one, simple, direct sentence: "Shut Up."

    No kidding. Really. Just shut up.

    Florida, I have come to love deep-sea fishing. Enter my law office, and on my walls, above my desk, staring and glaring at my clients, is a stuffed, six-foot steel blue Marlin. Below the fish is a plaque that reads: “Behold the beautiful, majestic Marlin. He would not be here if he had not opened his mouth.”

    When you are a 7-year-old kid growing up, and your mom catches you with your hand in the cookie jar, you inevitably and sheepishly try to come with an excuse. Mom pushes and prods you to confess, and you do. She then hugs and kisses you, and you make up as she tells you everything is going to be all right.

    It does not work that way with a cop when he pulls you over. The police are not your parents. The sheepish lie you first tell him becomes a prior inconsistent statement that is going to be used in a court of law against you. The cop does not hug you, kiss you, and make up. He searches you, arrests you, and locks you up. So what you should do is just shut up.

    Do not bargain with cops, negotiate with cops, or promise deals you cannot deliver on. The promises they make on the street are not binding in the courts where prosecutors charge you. Deal with the reality that if you are caught with drugs you are now the prisoner of a drug war. In war, you are only required as a prisoner to give your name, rank, and dog tag number. Do not give consent to search your car, your person, or invite cops back to your home.

    As my friend William Panzer says, an Oakland, California based criminal defense attorney, also on the NORML Board of Directors, “If everyone kept their mouth shut, half the people in jail would not be there. The cop’s job is to put you in a cage and anything you say beyond identifying yourself helps them put you there.” His advice too: “Shut up.”

    My advice is that if you are carrying drugs, prepare yourself for jail. Don’t carry lots of cash that will be forfeited to the State. Instead, keep dog bones in your car. This way, when police tell you they are going to keep you sitting in handcuffs by the side of the road- in the hot sun or cold wind- while they retrieve a canine to search your vehicle, you can offer the dog some treats when he arrives. In the meantime, shut your mouth up. This is not the time to bemoan your fate in front of the officer and reflect that you were only ‘doing a favor for a friend.’ The cop will not give you a bone. He will transcribe your confession.

    I would be a liar if I told you that ‘shut your mouth up’ works in every single instance. If you are carrying a loose Joint in a ‘decrim’ state and you own up to a cop, he may let you go with a reprimand. But let’s face it; if you are carrying felony weight cannabis, a couple of beans, or some crystal, you are headed to jail. The U.S. Constitution does not say your job is to make the police and prosecution’s job easier by telling them how and where you got it. The Constitution says your right is to remain silent. Use it; don’t lose it. Just Shut Up.

    You may think you are already guilty. Far from it; you are not. If the state cannot prove it, it is not a crime. It is their job to prove the case above and beyond a reasonable doubt. It is not your job to tell them all the contraband is yours so their job becomes a snap while they snap handcuffs on you. So just shut up.

    Show police your driver’s license, insurance card, and registration. Show them your McDonald’s discount Big Mac card if you must. But do not be a dope and show them your dope. Abraham Lincoln once wrote that many men are foolish but that some “speak and remove all doubt.” Be one of those that leave arresting officers with doubt. You might get rewards for confessing in a church. You do not in a courtroom or on the street to a cop. Just shut up.

    The most recent and recurrent law enfor***ent technique being emplo presently is the notorious ‘knock and talk’ on your front doorstep at your home. They are ‘trick or treating’ for an admission. Armed with anonymous and non-verifiable information that you are cultivating marijuana on your premises, cops ‘drop by’ for a chat, seeking your permission for a search.

    They like to make it seem they are coming over for coffee, investigating a zoning violation, or looking for a lost cat. They are not. They are looking for you to let a cat out of the bag that you are growing at home. Think of it this way: if they had enough information to believe you were doing something illegal, they would not be there asking for permission. They would have already secured a warrant and smashed in your door.

    In these situations, the officers have no valid basis to even be on your property, let alone a warrant to enter. You have no legal obligation to answer their questions. You most certainly do not have to invite them in. They tell you though they ‘know’ pot is there and it will go ‘so much easier on you’ if you cash in your stash. No, it won’t. You will go to jail when you did not have to. You will have foolishly waived a right you never should have given up. So just shut up, and show them the door. Like vampires, cops can only come in when invited. If they had a warrant, they would not have to knock. There will be times when talking to a cop makes sense. Let your attorney make that decision with you: that you can tell the police.

    Far too many times, and for too many years, I have watched young men and women get arrested while feeling some sort of moral obligation to simultaneously say to cops: "You got me!" I think it goes back to mom and the cookie jar. But guess what? You are not Dorothy, and we are not in Kansas anymore. So just shut up, because what you do not say cannot be used against you in a court of law. What you do not say may prevent you from being there in the first place.

  10. #10
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    They don't want you, they may be trying to bust the research company or someone else but buying unscheduled medication without a prescription is such a small crime that they wouldn't waste much investigative power just to bust you. Besides. You just bought this stuff to do some experiments on rats anyways, however, just like others have said: You don't know anything about anything.

    Unless you are buying this stuff and then selling it to guys in your gym, you have nothing to worry about.
    Last edited by Doctapeppa; 11-09-2011 at 01:59 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Kzrsoize mean post my bro its all comon sense but everyone should read

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    first off take this other guys advise and keep your mouth shut. coming from somebody who has been in and out of trouble pretty much since i was a kid, dont tell them shit. oh and you can get in trouble for trying to buy pct its called buying prescription drugs without a prescription. Also when ever purchasing gear and/or pct never i mean never use your real name or credit card!! there are many other ways to pay that can not be traced back to you. Also set up a secure email at a site like hushmail. good luck!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    upstate ny
    there is nothing to worry about here...research chemical.....not aas...

  14. #14
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    post proelia praemia
    might be different in america but my understanding of it over here is '' research chemical '' = legal loophole and 100% legal correct me if im wrong

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    clomid-nolvadex = prescription= felony or misdemeanor in the us!! trust me on this. I have first hand experience with this matter. there not narcotics so prob not a felony in cali. still a prescription!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Back from Afghanistan
    maybe you should block his tele#

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    As cro mentioned, its a research chem guy, you'll be good. Just block the number and forget about it.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    When he says remain silent that means to everyone. Even family and friends. Any lawyer will advise you to do the same. They can always be called to testify.
    exactly,,, and if the "investigator" does speak with you, you should gather more information than you give...

    why are you contacting me
    I don't understand
    You are conducting an investigation against me and you expect me to give you information
    I don't talk to gov officials without legal council, do you want to set up an appointment to meet with me and my attorney?? if so, please contact him at #.............

    If the investigator says "you are not under arrest, we just have a couple question, you can talk to me" question, are you an attorney?? but you are giving me legal advise... I'm confused, i need to speak to an attorney..
    The answer to your every question


    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
    we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  19. #19
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    and tell him to go catch some criminals

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctapeppa View Post
    They don't want you, they may be trying to bust the research company or someone else but buying unscheduled medication without a prescription is such a small crime that they wouldn't waste much investigative power just to bust you. Besides. You just bought this stuff to do some experiments on rats anyways, however, just like others have said: You don't know anything about anything.

    Unless you are buying this stuff and then selling it to guys in your gym, you have nothing to worry about.
    Why would telling the cops that hes also doing animal experiments at his apt. help him>? LOL.

  21. #21
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    Thanks guys got another call on a restricted number just not gonna talk to him. He said he's from another city doubt hill drive here to knock on my door. Brb never using my address and card on a purchase like that idiot move I guess

  22. #22
    dec11's Avatar
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    a) i'd be very surprised that any law enfor***ent anywhere in the world would text someone

    b) research chems arent illegal

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctapeppa View Post
    They don't want you, they may be trying to bust the research company or someone else but buying unscheduled medication without a prescription is such a small crime that they wouldn't waste much investigative power just to bust you. Besides. You just bought this stuff to do some experiments on rats anyways, however, just like others have said: You don't know anything about anything.

    Unless you are buying this stuff and then selling it to guys in your gym, you have nothing to worry about.
    x2. Sorry but I call BS. Can't imagine LEOs would be chasing down customers for this...

  24. #24
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    1. Get a pre paid phone under a different name and pay for it with cash. Remember no contract pre paid phone.
    2. Get a ip scrambler.
    3. Be discreet with your purchases.
    4. There not going to shut down sites like these yet. Freedom of speech rites. Yes there are working on that with the socialist obama.

  25. #25
    I've never heard of a cop even calling someone tbh... he may not be a cop at all, and if he isn't from your area then how is he allowed to conduct an investigation in it? It doesn't make much sense to me. If it's a cop and they have your info, they will either show up at your home to ask you questions or they would have to have some sort of grounds to arrest you. You might think about being quiet on here as well when it comes to anything supposedly that someone might be looking into.

  26. #26
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    the paranoia on this thread is

    police DO NOT text or phone suspects, they lift them

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    the paranoia on this thread is

    police DO NOT text or phone suspects, they lift them
    Now that's Gospel!

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Ignore calls, if he catches you in the off chance then act dumb. dont say ANYTHING...........


    EDIT: ^ Agreed.. Dont stress out over this, they will soon come knocking if they have you for anything remotely illegal.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    So much helpful advice on this thread.
    Thank you guys for awaring me on this topic as I was
    uninformed on how to react to these situations.

  30. #30
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    u DO know though we are all in jail and online right

  31. #31
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  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kesthetics View Post
    sorry...thought you would know i was bad

  33. #33
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    sorry...thought you would know i was bad

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    No it's not that. The randomness of your post threw me off.
    Always thought sarcasm was for girls anyways, do a more direct approach next time.

  35. #35
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    *no sources i wont reply*

  36. #36
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1083747-lol_face.gif 
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Size:	16.2 KB 
ID:	117929

    sorry...thought you would know i was bad

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    I've never heard of a cop even calling someone tbh... he may not be a cop at all, and if he isn't from your area then how is he allowed to conduct an investigation in it? It doesn't make much sense to me. If it's a cop and they have your info, they will either show up at your home to ask you questions or they would have to have some sort of grounds to arrest you. You might think about being quiet on here as well when it comes to anything supposedly that someone might be looking into.
    Officers contact suspects by phone all the time, it's often (not always) the 1st contact made when an officer is searching for info or person(s). And just cuz he's "not from ur area" doesn't mean he has no power or jurisdiction, a Federal officer has no borders. On that note, I will also take the opportunity to admit, that the likelihood of a Fed contacting u by fone about some research chems, is practically nil, NOT impossible,..............but not likely. This officer is probably trying 2 gather info against a supplier a particular agency has been charged with bringing down. I wouldn't worry, but keep in mind, u can only avoid / ignore him 4 so long, if he really wants 2 talk 2 u, HE WILL, & of coarse, @ that point, u hav every right 2 remain silent & lawyer up.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Kesthetics View Post
    No it's not that. The randomness of your post threw me off.
    Always thought sarcasm was for girls anyways, do a more direct approach next time.
    If u don't hav a sense of humor capable of understanding & accepting sarcasm, ur gona hav a hard time makin friends here. BTW, if sarcasm is 4 girls, then this must an ALL female site.

  39. #39
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    Loose lips sink ships !

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    If u don't hav a sense of humor capable of understanding & accepting sarcasm, ur gona hav a hard time makin friends here. BTW, if sarcasm is 4 girls, then this must an ALL female site.
    You don't read very well. Read my second post.

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