what are your full stats? I'm already thinking your diet is going to be the key for now cause your bf% is higher than suggested to start a cycle
what are your full stats? I'm already thinking your diet is going to be the key for now cause your bf% is higher than suggested to start a cycle
height weight body fat % age cycle history
I turned 45 Oct 17th so happy belated bro.
Try and get the body fat down to around 15%. It will help you avoid lots of unwanted sides when you are ready to hit the juice.
and congrats on the little on
You could go get some blood work done to check all your levels plus it gives you a good baseline. And yes being 38 your test could be low. If you don't want to do blood work, try taking 100-150 of test per week and see how you feel in 3 to 4 weeks. It may be all you need to jump start sluggishness.
also, but its debatable, you could try clen or an ECA stack to help with weight loss.
Weight loss is acomplished by diet. Testosterone can help you keep muscle while on a caloric deficit but you don't seem like you have any being as you sound pretty much like a newb to diet, exercise and health in general. You do not need to take steroids. What you need is to get your shit in gear. Testosterone is not going to give you a "kickstart".
You need to get your diet in check. "Doing Paleo" is fine and many people have good success with it but you should be able to count calories and track macro-nutrients. You need to find a decent workout program as lifting light weights in the gym is going to get you nowhere.
Good luck.
Being 38 doesn't make you "not a newb". You can be a hundred years old and still be a newb at something. There is no reason to be offended by it. Also, I'm sorry, but your whole series of posts on here came off as very newbish. To me your post said "I'm overweight, too lazy to go to the gym and thinking of starting the Paleo diet, what cycle can I do to give me a jumpstart?" I read it again now, just in case I misread it the first time and that is how it reads.
Now that I know you are not a newb (just because you told me because I am not entirely convinced) I can give you some good advice.
1. Start your diet. Your diet is the key to losing the fat you want to lose.
2. Start working out. Forget light weight stuff, that's not going to do shit. Get on a good lifting program and push it hard.
3. Cardio is third after those two. It is a bonus to burn some extra calories but it is not required for fat loss. It's great and everyone should do cardio, but it is not the method to losing weight (newbs at dieting believe it is).
After you've had some success with all this, then go on and juice if you like. If you start to juice now and then fail at your diet and exercise plans you will most likely end up worse than you are now health wise. I'm not telling you this because of cockiness. I am telling you all this to help you and to possibly prevent you from making a mistake.
First reduce your bf naturally and then when you are around 13-14% you may consider again aas.
Regarding your cycle, I would use test prop insted of enan adding hcg throughout the cycle.
OK for oxandrolone which I would stack with mesterolone keeping an AI on hand, like exemestane.
OP, I hav 2 ask, r u male or female? The reason I ask is becuz u hav blamed ur weight problem in large part on "having a baby", if ur female I can c & understand that having an effect on ur BF% / weight problem, but, if ur male, how the hell does ur wife having a baby effect YOUR BF% / weight? I can tell by ur previous posts, demeanor & dialect, that u don't want 2 hear anything except "how 2 run ur cycle". But mor importantly u need 2 hear of the significant risk of heart attack due 2 hi BP, which u most likely already hav @ 28% BF, & will b increased even higher when u start pumping steroids in2 ur body. There's a rite way & a rong way..................steroids in ur condition is the rong / dangerous way, the rite / safe way is 2 lose the weight natty. BTW, Clen is also VERY detrimental 2 heart health, especially since urs is already overworked.
you need to lower that bf first, 28% is too high to be cycling. no need to toss the test, just hold off on it till you get a bit of weight off. i wouldnt bother with clen either, its really only beneficial to those getting that last few % off for contest etc.
btw, you'll need to edit that price talk
Last edited by dec11; 11-09-2011 at 04:56 PM.
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