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Thread: 18 trying to gear or use hgh, help!

  1. #1

    18 trying to gear or use hgh, help!

    hey guys i am 18 and im trying to use hgh or steroids, i have been reading about it for months and i know all the sides im going to have to go through. Should i use hgh or steroids? if i were to use a low dosage for either hgh or steroids would it mess me up in the long run when im like 45? what kind should i use? how much should i use? thanks a lot!(i eat like a horse and work out 5 days a week, i know you guys don't recomend it but it looks like using either is the only way i could get to where i need to be.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    yes either can mess you up well before 45.
    What are your stats.
    I'm sure they arent the only answer to get to where you "need" to be

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Well first off your profile page states that your 19??

    Anyway, forget hgh you really don't need it...

    So you understand the risks and your still prepared to chance your long term health.....

    If this is the case i would suggest you spend some time reading through the educational threads at the top of this forum.. The idea being that you put up a good cycle and pct for us to critique...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    fvck. I told you last night you have a horrible work out and a shitty diet.
    You need to change your work out and diet not take drugs. Your wasting your time and money with your current program.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Let me make sure you understand what I just typed.... NO. EN-OH.

    How bout you go to the diet forum and get your diet looked at? Or go to the exercise forum and get your routine looked at?

    Cuz I promise you... when you say you eat like a horse... doesnt mean shit. Im going to take a strong guess and say you dont know about carb timing, GI index, complete and incomplete proteins, which fats are the best, how to add cardio in order to GAIN weight, etc.

    I bet you dont make the most of your workouts. Drop sets? Rest pause? High Volume? Low Volume? HITT? DC Training? Negatives? Partial reps?

    Plus you may want to look into the negative LIFE LONG sides that can come from using gear too early.

    Growth plates? Shut down HPTA? Inability to have kids when youre older? Getting put on TRT before youre 25? Having to get injections EVERYWEEK for the REST OF YOUR LIFE?

    Think again kid.

    Eat better, lift smarter.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I don't know GB. Really don't want any part of recommending, or even giving advice to an 18 year old on this subject. The info is out there, but I'm thinking just let him look it up himself. Really don't want to contribute to an ill advised cycle. If he wants to screw himself up, let him do it on his dime.
    My .02

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I don't know GB. Really don't want any part of recommending, or even giving advice to an 18 year old on this subject. The info is out there, but I'm thinking just let him look it up himself. Really don't want to contribute to an ill advised cycle. If he wants to screw himself up, let him do it on his dime.
    My .02
    my first post i didnt realize who it was. I spent time last night looking over his diet. And he posted his work out. Both need a ton of work.

    I wont give any cycle advice either. But was willing to help with the other stuff.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    i know you guys don't recomend it but it looks like using either is the only way i could get to where i need to be.)
    Where do you NEED to be, and why? You're only 18. You've got your entire life to get big, why are you trying to rush things at the risk of damaging your body permanently? HGH is something that will change your body forever. I know guys that took HGH when they were teens and 12 years later they look retarded as all hell will huge heads and child-man bodies. Not worth it.

  9. #9
    i need to be bigger for football. im an O-Linemen and my last year is coming up and i want to play in college, not going to be able to with how i am now. i just posted a new post in nutrition forum to see if people could help me out with a new diet and work out program, i jsut figured i need to do it because i am to small for my postion and football is my life and i dont want to not be able to play in college because im to small. so i wanted to gear. i geuss i was wrong with knowing the sides im going to go through. you guys know way more then me so i geuss doing it is really not an option. thanks

  10. #10
    I knew a kid who took HGH when he was 18 because he wanted to get drafted and make the Pros. He gained 30 pounds over the summer had an unreal season, got drafted and was on his way . a year later his heart stopped, although it was never proven to be caused by HGH the doctors suspected that. His heart was too big for his thoracic cavity... Im not saying it will happen to you , everybodys different but why gamble with your life.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ericgillen View Post
    i need to be bigger for football. im an O-Linemen and my last year is coming up and i want to play in college, not going to be able to with how i am now. i just posted a new post in nutrition forum to see if people could help me out with a new diet and work out program, i jsut figured i need to do it because i am to small for my postion and football is my life and i dont want to not be able to play in college because im to small. so i wanted to gear. i geuss i was wrong with knowing the sides im going to go through. you guys know way more then me so i geuss doing it is really not an option. thanks
    This is a very smart decision. Right now you have tons of hormones so please try to take advantage of what you have naturally and take your edge while you got it. Something you could do to help yourself would be to try to get to bed early so you get the best growth hormone pulse you possibly can. Sleep is when you grow. And after a couple hours of falling asleep you produce the heaviest growth hormone pulse in a 24 hour period; hence why it is important to try to go to bed earlier than later to get as much sleep as you can before your cortisol kicks into wake-up mode.

    Good luck to you. You sound like a smart guy and listening to the members is one of the smartest moves you can make.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Stick around bro, theres so much information here and we are all willing to help where we can...

    Now go post your diet in the diet forum...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    On the Moon
    A pucka diet makes you big and lean.

    As said, go get diet in check and utilize the potential you have from being so young. Using gear at your age is plain stupid, not work the risks bro..

    Stick around, there is tons of knowledge to get big and make the most of your youth around this forum.

    Good Luck.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Also if your trying to play ball in college it's probably not a good idea to use your real name on a AAS forum. Its amazing what google searches can bring up in your future.

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