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Thread: Anavar stack

  1. #1

    Anavar stack

    I have anavar and CEL m Lmg unmethylated on hand and I'm thinking about m Lmg 4 weeks and anavar 6 weeks at 40mg/per day . I also have Clomid on hand as well as pct assist.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by aventador View Post
    I have anavar and CEL m Lmg unmethylated on hand and I'm thinking about m Lmg 4 weeks and anavar 6 weeks at 40mg/per day . I also have Clomid on hand as well as pct assist.
    The ANAVAR will be fine to run but I like it in loner durations. I think 6 weeks is too short for the best effects of ANAVAR.
    I have no idea on what the CEL M LMG does or is....

  3. #3
    It's a un-methylated progesterone. A clone of the original MAX-Lmg (13-ethyl-3-methoxy-Gona-2)
    Last edited by aventador; 11-09-2011 at 07:30 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by aventador View Post
    I have anavar and CEL m Lmg unmethylated on hand and I'm thinking about m Lmg 4 weeks and anavar 6 weeks at 40mg/per day . I also have Clomid on hand as well as pct assist.
    speaking from experience here.....

    40 mg @ 6 weeks is a waste of time and $. You need 60-80mg/day for 6-8 weeks. Dont bother with the CEL product. I ran cel's hdrol in the past and it was good until I ran var. BTW, clomid is a bit extreme for var solo. Nolva for 4 weeks should suffice.....

    However, we need your stats before you do anything.....

  5. #5
    5"11 160lbs diet is pretty much carb loading . Lots of pasta and chicken. High metabolism.

    Reason why I wanted to go low was because the m Lmg is known to be a very wet compound . I lost about 20 pounds due to getting some stomach virus an hoping to get a little bit of that back asap.

    Clomid should be taken with M lmg.
    And yes if I were just taking var nolva would be just fine .

    Just wanted thoughts of these 2 together and dose.

  6. #6

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