I am going to be doing a cycle of tren and t400 stacked.
this is the first time ive ever done roids but have been wanting to for quite awhile.
I have 2 friends that have done them for years off and on helping me along the way,
I go to the gym 5-6 days a week and stay no less than 2 hours a day working hard at it,
if i keep this up through my cycle what should i expect to gain
here are my current stats
im 29
246pnds (A little fat still but working at the muscle before cutting)
I have no idea of my body fat percentage but im sure its high right now,
I do have some muscle but look more over wieght than muscluer,
I was told its easier to build muscle when your fat is this true?
aNY INFO/HELP will be greatly apreciated..
I havent asked my friends yet im sure they'll know but how often and how much should i be injecting?
I get my tren on firday and intend on starting ither saturday or monday...
and should the t400 and tren be injected on different days or???