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Thread: Just hit a nerve, grrr!

  1. #1
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    Just hit a nerve, grrr!

    I've been injecting the quads the past few weeks and I'm pretty new to injecting in that area. I just hit a nerve in my leg and the whole muscle involuntarily squeezed! My immediate reaction was to whip out the needle! It was the weirest feeling! Is it possble for the needle to break off inside the leg when it spazzes like that? I'm afraid to try again, because I don't want that to happen again!

    What to do...

  2. #2
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    May 2009
    Quads are loaded with nerves. I swear I hit nerves 3 times in a row trying the same shot....maybe it was my mind, but never the less I stopped doing quads after that.

    Pecs and delts.

  3. #3
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    I just got the gear in. I put it in the glute. I have alot of scar tissue build up there though and that's why I switched to quads.

    What size and length needle do you use for pecs and delts? Have you ever hit nerves in those spots? I already know where you are supposed to shoot your delts, but where do you shoot your pec?

    Thanks... I'm just trying to explore other areas that have a very low number of nerves and blood vessels. I don't think I'm going to do my quads anymore. That wasn't fun at all...

  4. #4
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    Delts, Tri's & Biceps. I would never inject in the leg region. Yes some of my close buddies share the same story.

  5. #5
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    Biceps... How would you go about doing that then? Do you flex when sticking it in or stay relaxed?

    How about the pecs?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jelly View Post
    Biceps... How would you go about doing that then? Do you flex when sticking it in or stay relaxed?

    How about the pecs?
    One of my guys who is pro taught me to use Insulin needles for injections. Less scare tissue. You can use the 1/2 inch insulin needle or 29g needle. Stay relaxed when injecting. Inject half an inch from your the vein in your bicep. I must say when training tri's bi's or delts when injecting the directly is somewhat painful at first but afterwards it is amazing. I'm not saying sight injections help the muscle grow but it gives me a great pump in the region where I injected.
    Last edited by DrHealth; 11-09-2011 at 10:39 PM.

  7. #7
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    Quads are the easiest besides delta. Where exactly on the quad did you inject?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro View Post
    Quads are the easiest besides delta. Where exactly on the quad did you inject?
    Anterolateral thigh, once the needle got in about 3/4" the whole muscle balled up instantly and I subsequently yanked the needle out REAL fast!

    Quote Originally Posted by DrHealth View Post
    One of my guys who is pro taught me to use Insulin needles for injections. Less scare tissue. You can use the 1/2 inch insulin needle or 29g needle. Stay relaxed when injecting. Inject half an inch from your the vein in your bicep. I must say when training tri's bi's or delts when injecting the directly is somewhat painful at first but afterwards it is amazing. I'm not saying sight injections help the muscle grow but it gives me a great pump in the region where I injected.
    It's hard enough getting Test E through a 23G (what I use). How the heck do you inject through an insulin needle, let alone draw the oil in!!! Has anyone ever used 1/2" insulin needles to inject? I've never heard of THAT before.. Also, I can't see where my vein is on my bicep. My vein structure is different I guess. I dont have that single vein running down the middle of the bi, never have.
    Last edited by jelly; 11-09-2011 at 10:52 PM.

  9. #9
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    Generaly in and up an inch from your nipple, never hit a nerve there, did only once with delts

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jelly
    I've been injecting the quads the past few weeks and I'm pretty new to injecting in that area. I just hit a nerve in my leg and the whole muscle involuntarily squeezed! My immediate reaction was to whip out the needle! It was the weirest feeling! Is it possble for the needle to break off inside the leg when it spazzes like that? I'm afraid to try again, because I don't want that to happen again!

    What to do...
    Yeah it is possible to break off inside.. That's why you shouldn't go in completely with the needle so if it breaks off, you are able to get it out

  11. #11
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    when injecting the quads, the higher the better. I inject just off the midline looking directly down at your quads when sitting just below the small ball looking muscle of the upper quad.

  12. #12
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    also glute area is easy also..

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jelly View Post
    Anterolateral thigh, once the needle got in about 3/4" the whole muscle balled up instantly and I subsequently yanked the needle out REAL fast!

    It's hard enough getting Test E through a 23G (what I use). How the heck do you inject through an insulin needle, let alone draw the oil in!!! Has anyone ever used 1/2" insulin needles to inject? I've never heard of THAT before.. Also, I can't see where my vein is on my bicep. My vein structure is different I guess. I dont have that single vein running down the middle of the bi, never have.
    Very easy my friend. I don't take much gear. As you know a regular insulin pin is 1cc. I use the 28g 1/2 inch Iml or cc insulin syringe. I draw it with either 15 to 18G needle. I draw out about 2cc's worth of whatever it is that I'm using. 1cc for each delt bicep tri etc. This way there is never any real scar tissue built up. Pull open the Insulin pin and deposit 1cc. Pop the plunge back in and inject. Repeat as needed. It truly depends on how much stuff you're taking. You can do it with a regular syringe but you must use either a 29 or 30g. This way you can use larger amounts without having to reload the insulin syringe.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrHealth View Post
    Very easy my friend. I don't take much gear. As you know a regular insulin pin is 1cc. I use the 28g 1/2 inch Iml or cc insulin syringe. I draw it with either 15 to 18G needle. I draw out about 2cc's worth of whatever it is that I'm using. 1cc for each delt bicep tri etc. This way there is never any real scar tissue built up. Pull open the Insulin pin and deposit 1cc. Pop the plunge back in and inject. Repeat as needed. It truly depends on how much stuff you're taking. You can do it with a regular syringe but you must use either a 29 or 30g. This way you can use larger amounts without having to reload the insulin syringe.
    If using the insulin syringe full to the 1cc mark, would you have room to aspirate?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jelly View Post
    If using the insulin syringe full to the 1cc mark, would you have room to aspirate?
    Yes. I wonder if I can show pics of how to do it properly.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro View Post
    when injecting the quads, the higher the better. I inject just off the midline looking directly down at your quads when sitting just below the small ball looking muscle of the upper quad.
    this....I shot my quads only for my first cycle with no problems. just one nerve and one gusher. little high and 1-2 inches outside is a good location in my experience

  17. #17
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    Week 9 of my first cycle and have only ever injected quads simply due to ease of access, and have hit nerves probably every 4th shot. It's not fun, but it's just such an easy place to reach so I persist.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    Quads are loaded with nerves. I swear I hit nerves 3 times in a row trying the same shot....maybe it was my mind, but never the less I stopped doing quads after that.

    Pecs and delts.
    Pecs easiest for me; I hold the syringe with one hand and push the plunger with the other after aspirating. Delts I lay my arm across the bed while kneeling on the carpet. Lately I am finding it hurts if I spike a vein almost as soon as I put it in. When that happens I pull out, watch a little spot of blood rise say yep to myself I hit one, move over a little and start again. Using this technique im getting really clean injects, needle going in no problem and typically no blood when I pull out.

  19. #19
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    quads are fully of nerves, ive rarely injected them without pain or spasms. if you can get over the fear factor and you'll find pecs and traps easy to do, i also never get any pain at all when doing delts

  20. #20
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    i love quad injections, easy as can be. i hit a nerve one time on my left quad, just kept going and it was fine, i push it in very slowly so i have time to react. pinning delts is ok, it just gives me bad acne in the whole delt area which sucks. i use a 23g to draw, and 25g 1/2" to inject. slin for hcg. ive heard mostly bad about doing biceps.

  21. #21
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    dont ask for a source thx
    try injecting in the side of the quads, ive had very little problems doing it this way rather than injecting on the top of the muscle...i also push the needle in very slow so if i hit a nerve i dont drive the needle right through it, i used to have a lot of pip in the past in the quads but its actually gotten much less over the years...i use quads and delts mostly and glutes if i have too but thats my least favorite spot...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrHealth View Post
    Very easy my friend. I don't take much gear. As you know a regular insulin pin is 1cc. I use the 28g 1/2 inch Iml or cc insulin syringe. I draw it with either 15 to 18G needle. I draw out about 2cc's worth of whatever it is that I'm using. 1cc for each delt bicep tri etc. This way there is never any real scar tissue built up. Pull open the Insulin pin and deposit 1cc. Pop the plunge back in and inject. Repeat as needed. It truly depends on how much stuff you're taking. You can do it with a regular syringe but you must use either a 29 or 30g. This way you can use larger amounts without having to reload the insulin syringe.
    This dude is full of sh!t Jelly he is making this up as he goes. You cannot inject into the back of another syringe,,,Especially a slin pin as soon as you try and inject it into the back it creates a bubble and your gear will be all over the place..And I seriously doubt you would ever get it to come out of the needle even if you could get it in the back side...It would bend the plunger long before you were able to squeeze the oil out...

    To OP please stop Bullsh!tting on this board your advice is garbage on this topic.

  23. #23
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Its gonna happen from time to time. Over time you will figure out where is easiest and best for you to inject personally. I have an area on both quads i do great with. The othe rplace i inject is delts. Its really no big deal - I know it startles you the first time it ever happens - but really no big deal at all.

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