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  1. #1
    benjz is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011

    Test Enanthate first cycle.

    Never done a cycle before planning to run first cycle using Test E alone.

    400 mg per week for 12 weeks.

    i don't wanna overdo anything for my first cycle.. any advice would be great.

    And also, without naming the site, are there liquid versions available, all i can find were tablets. id prefer injections rather than oral.

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board mate,

    I reviewed your profile, and this is what I see:

    Basic Information

    About benjz

    you are 6 or 7 years away from being ready. Your hormonal system still hasn't matured. Give it time, do it naturally, be patient.

    Secondly, you have much to learn. In most cases, oral testosterone isn't right. Expensive. Popping pills every 4 to 6 hours. Harsh on the liver. hard to find.

    So here's my advise:

    Be wise! Take this time, build your natural foundation by continuing to learn to lift and learning everything you can about nutrition. Then, in a half a dozen years or so of much effort and gaining, if you are still interested, then come back.

    Seriously. I am not comfortable with you asking about steroids at your age. EVERYONE here will tell you the same thing. The potential for doing damage to your body is a real risk.

    I am glad you asked the question though. It shows you are being thoughtful, and willing to listen to advice.

    Good question!

  3. #3
    benjz is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011
    I really appreciate the response. You put it out in a straightforward manner.

    I agree with you when it comes to the age factor, although i'm interested in doing one cycle only. I've done the research on the risks of taking steroids at my age but (excuse my ignorance) i'm led to believe that one cycle of Test e isn't going to effect me majorly at all. This has been playing on my mind a lot and i'm not sure whether to just do it or not.

    I've seen people my age do it, and lose the size after due to no PCT, but in all honesty would one correctly run cycle affect me severely?

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    So this is your original post and you didn't get the answers you were looking for. You should have listened to Roman. He's right. We're here to help. Give it some time and other people will post their thoughts as well.

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    You say you have been lifting solid for 1.3 years. This is barely a blink of an eye. I've been lifting since I was 13, with a couple of years off here and there. That was 37 years ago. And I'm still lifting. My advice remains the same. Please be patient. Your time will come. Try not to rush things.

    Here's the problem, the way I see it, with the first one of anything, be it recreational drugs, booze, or anything else where you are tempted to do a thing. So you cross the line and do the thing. Then you think to yourself, "Gee, that wasn't so bad!" So then you do it again. Next thing you know, you are cycling three times a year. And you are not even 20 yet.

    Right now, for you, the only advice I will give is abstenance.

    Of course, you are going to do what you will, regardless of what others tell you? And that's OK. But please respect our decision not to play a hand in it either. Fair enough?

  6. #6
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Definitely need to wait and learn to train and diet naturally and reach your potential.

  7. #7
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    maybe someone will step in and motivate this young man about nutrition and proper form, showing him where each are located on the board?

  8. #8
    randymeans's Avatar
    randymeans is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2011
    i didnt stop growing till i turned 24 so do whats smart and train hard and eat right and youll see results!

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