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  1. #1
    maxwell78 is offline Junior Member
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    half way through cycle & don't even feel it.

    so im half way through my cycle [12 weeks of test E] and don't really feel any stronger than i did before i started. my energy level is a little better than before but really nothing so far this time is how i expected it to be. my sex drive is up and definately no issues in the sex dept. i suppose im comparing it to my last cycle which was t-400 for 8 weeks. i felt the pumps during my workouts and i could seriously not get a lick of sleep and still go all day long..i was like the energizer bunny. i felt the best i had ever felt in my life. it was like a euphoric feeling almost. when i did my first cycle i didnt know anything about how important diet is and my diet sucked. now i feel like im doing everything better this time and right and its backfiring on me. i have already gained 10 lbs, but havent gained any in the last week or so. did i hit a plateau? maybe i need to just plow more food.

    this time i did straight test E, 500 mg /week. then hcg started on week 2 @ 500 IU/week. then A-dez started on week 3 at 0.5 mgs EOD [i started to get a little bloaty and was real sluggish]

    is this normal? i dont even feel like im on juice. [compared to last time]. i did start getting a little bit of acne about the last 1-2 weeks. its tapering off now a bit. but still there. i know at least the first vial i got was real shit b/c i had my hormones tested during week 3. the first handful of times i pinned my a$$ was a little sore for the next few days, but the past week or two its not sore at all. last cycle it was sore every time till the very last shot. not sure if this second vial is just cleaner and more filtered or what.

    i started my second vial during week 4 or 5 though. which was from a different source...BUT....same place I got my a-dex and hcg, and pct meds from...and my viagra was definately NOT fake so i can't imagine it being fake.

    any thoughts. thanks guys!!!

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxwell78 View Post
    so im half way through my cycle [12 weeks of test E] and don't really feel any stronger than i did before i started. my energy level is a little better than before but really nothing so far this time is how i expected it to be. my sex drive is up and definately no issues in the sex dept. i suppose im comparing it to my last cycle which was t-400 for 8 weeks. i felt the pumps during my workouts and i could seriously not get a lick of sleep and still go all day long..i was like the energizer bunny. i felt the best i had ever felt in my life. it was like a euphoric feeling almost. when i did my first cycle i didnt know anything about how important diet is and my diet sucked. now i feel like im doing everything better this time and right and its backfiring on me. i have already gained 10 lbs, but havent gained any in the last week or so. did i hit a plateau? maybe i need to just plow more food.

    this time i did straight test E, 500 mg /week. then hcg started on week 2 @ 500 IU/week. then A-dez started on week 3 at 0.5 mgs EOD [i started to get a little bloaty and was real sluggish]

    is this normal? i dont even feel like im on juice. [compared to last time]. i did start getting a little bit of acne about the last 1-2 weeks. its tapering off now a bit. but still there. i know at least the first vial i got was real shit b/c i had my hormones tested during week 3. the first handful of times i pinned my a$$ was a little sore for the next few days, but the past week or two its not sore at all. last cycle it was sore every time till the very last shot. not sure if this second vial is just cleaner and more filtered or what.

    i started my second vial during week 4 or 5 though. which was from a different source...BUT....same place I got my a-dex and hcg, and pct meds from...and my viagra was definately NOT fake so i can't imagine it being fake.

    any thoughts. thanks guys!!!
    So i guess after writing all that you answered your own question...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxwell78 View Post
    so im half way through my cycle [12 weeks of test E] and don't really feel any stronger than i did before i started. my energy level is a little better than before but really nothing so far this time is how i expected it to be. my sex drive is up and definately no issues in the sex dept. i suppose im comparing it to my last cycle which was t-400 for 8 weeks. i felt the pumps during my workouts and i could seriously not get a lick of sleep and still go all day long..i was like the energizer bunny. i felt the best i had ever felt in my life. it was like a euphoric feeling almost. when i did my first cycle i didnt know anything about how important diet is and my diet sucked. now i feel like im doing everything better this time and right and its backfiring on me. i have already gained 10 lbs, but havent gained any in the last week or so. did i hit a plateau? maybe i need to just plow more food.

    this time i did straight test E, 500 mg /week. then hcg started on week 2 @ 500 IU/week. then A-dez started on week 3 at 0.5 mgs EOD [i started to get a little bloaty and was real sluggish]

    is this normal? i dont even feel like im on juice. [compared to last time]. i did start getting a little bit of acne about the last 1-2 weeks. its tapering off now a bit. but still there. i know at least the first vial i got was real shit b/c i had my hormones tested during week 3. the first handful of times i pinned my a$$ was a little sore for the next few days, but the past week or two its not sore at all. last cycle it was sore every time till the very last shot. not sure if this second vial is just cleaner and more filtered or what.

    i started my second vial during week 4 or 5 though. which was from a different source...BUT....same place I got my a-dex and hcg, and pct meds from...and my viagra was definately NOT fake so i can't imagine it being fake.

    any thoughts. thanks guys!!!
    can you expand on that?

    how would viagra being legit have any bearing on the test?

  4. #4
    Kesthetics is offline Junior Member
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    your conclusion amazes me

  5. #5
    Kidd636 is offline New Member
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    He means he got the viag and the juice from the same source, so hes saying since the viag could the juice not.....

  6. #6
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Yeah we get that, there is a lot more fake test floating around than fake viagra. PS may not be entirely fake could just be very underdosed. But one thing for sure when you start a test e cycle and its working from weeks 2-3 and now weeks 5-6 hes not feeling it...don't look good, too much AI's could explain a little of it but bunk gear is almost guarendamnteed to be the answer.

  7. #7
    maxwell78 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Yeah we get that, there is a lot more fake test floating around than fake viagra. PS may not be entirely fake could just be very underdosed. But one thing for sure when you start a test e cycle and its working from weeks 2-3 and now weeks 5-6 hes not feeling it...don't look good, too much AI's could explain a little of it but bunk gear is almost guarendamnteed to be the answer.
    yeah i am aware of that as well. but i really havent been feeling like im on cycle since the beginning...not just recently. i just figured by now when its weeks 4-6 and starts to peak i should really start feeling the effects. but maybe im just comparing it to my last cycle i dunno.

  8. #8
    maxwell78 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kidd636 View Post
    He means he got the viag and the juice from the same source, so hes saying since the viag could the juice not.....

    that is what i meant. all the meds so far ....a-dex viagra, hcg , seem to be working. the hcg definately looked like real shit. guess i could always piss on a pregnancy test to see for sure lol. wouldnt that work?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kidd636 View Post
    He means he got the viag and the juice from the same source, so hes saying since the viag could the juice not.....

    my god, i'd never have worked that out without you!! thank you

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxwell78 View Post
    that is what i meant. all the meds so far ....a-dex viagra, hcg , seem to be working. the hcg definately looked like real shit. guess i could always piss on a pregnancy test to see for sure lol. wouldnt that work?
    give it a try and report back to us.

    just because some items are legit from a supplier doesnt mean it all is, suppliers get passed crap aswell you know

  11. #11
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Maxwell, it sounds like your thinking is all over the place. Those random thoughts don't seem to point to your gear being definitively good or bunk.

    EDIT: I had a bunch of thoughts on your random thoughts but realize they are meaningless.

    If your gear is fake I would think that your AI would have wiped you out. Are your joints hurting?

    ...and my understanding is that you put the HCG on a pregnancy test, not piss on it.

  12. #12
    maxwell78 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    can you expand on that?

    how would viagra being legit have any bearing on the test?
    had my labs done in week 3 cause i was getting headaches and feeling tired and stuff. my test levels were like over 3,000 at that point.

    i was thinking of maybe stopping the a-dex or doing it every 3rd day instead of every other but i dont know.

  13. #13
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    You are over thinking this. Worse, you are over thinking a bunch of bad evidence. Either get your blood work done again, or just ride it out, eat well, lift heavy and see how it turns out.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Maxwell, it sounds like your thinking is all over the place. Those random thoughts don't seem to point to your gear being definitively good or bunk.

    EDIT: I had a bunch of thoughts on your random thoughts but realize they are meaningless.

    If your gear is fake I would think that your AI would have wiped you out. Are your joints hurting?

    ...and my understanding is that you put the HCG on a pregnancy test, not piss on it.
    damn, you spoiled the fun lol

    Quote Originally Posted by maxwell78 View Post
    had my labs done in week 3 cause i was getting headaches and feeling tired and stuff. my test levels were like over 3,000 at that point.

    i was thinking of maybe stopping the a-dex or doing it every 3rd day instead of every other but i dont know.
    what were the full test results?

  15. #15
    maxwell78 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Maxwell, it sounds like your thinking is all over the place. Those random thoughts don't seem to point to your gear being definitively good or bunk.

    I don't get a big boost either. Your soreness in the beginning could have been from the muscle not being used to being jabbed, or getting used to whatever is in the gear. You have gained ten pounds which is a lot (unless you just got fat). Anyway...enough talk about random thoughts.

    If your gear is fake I would think that your AI would have wiped you out. Are your joints hurting?

    ...and my understanding is that you put the HCG on a pregnancy test, not piss on it.
    yeah i thought that too, about the AI ...i mean that wouldnt be a good think to take if the test is not real shit. nah joints not hurting...i actually feel better today [but i also forget to take my a-dex last night ]. i tried upping my protein and stuff today and i feel better. so i dont know maybe i am just not eating enough.

    my buddy that gave me the site to get the gear from says hes never had anyone say they ever thought it was bunk. all good reports.

    he also said that if its not test in there or way underdosed that i will probably start losing that a big sign to look for?

    well no i was gonna piss on the pregnancy test haha. but i suppose i could just drop a little of the mixed hcg on it and see what happens. prob more accurate that way

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    damn, you spoiled the fun lol
    Crap, I thought you might have been kidding, but I couldn't stand the thought of more random, useless info. Then he would think his HCG was fake because peeing on the test showed a negative.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Crap, I thought you might have been kidding, but I couldn't stand the thought of more random, useless info. Then he would think his HCG was fake because peeing on the test showed a negative.
    i thought he was kidding aswell, lol who the cluck is kidding who here?

  18. #18
    maxwell78 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    damn, you spoiled the fun lol

    what were the full test results?
    damn i cant find where i put my lab work now. i know it was like over 3000 for sure. my doc said it was 300 X the normal amount for what it should be and i am risking premature death

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxwell78 View Post
    damn i cant find where i put my lab work now. i know it was like over 3000 for sure. my doc said it was 300 X the normal amount for what it should be and i am risking premature death
    that cant be right

  20. #20
    maxwell78 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    that cant be right
    well i know it was over 3,000. been looking for the labs and i cant find them damit.

  21. #21
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxwell78 View Post
    damn i cant find where i put my lab work now. i know it was like over 3000 for sure. my doc said it was 300 X the normal amount for what it should be and i am risking premature death
    Those numbers aren't even close to right.

    At this point it sounds like this is all new to you, and you haven't done a lot of reading. I don't think your question is answerable by anything other than new blood work.


  22. #22
    maxwell78 is offline Junior Member
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    yep. i do have the pct on hand. got clomid and nolvadex

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