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Thread: upcoming cycle questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Squat Rack / Kitchen

    upcoming cycle questions

    I'm getting ready to start my next cycle. I have been off for about 3 1/2 months. Last cycle was test prop@150 mg EOD for 8 weeks 50 mg anavar ED 6 weeks. The cycle went verry well and seemed to keep most of the gains but at the very end I had a slight gyno lump under my right nipple. Went to the my doctor and he said it would go down once I was off. Used nolva for Pct 5 weeks and it completely went away.

    33 yrs old been training all my life. current weight 220. this will be my third cycle.

    8-10 weeks of a blend containing 100mg each per ml of test prop, NPP (short ester deca), and Masteron.

    1-8 possibly 10 weeks 100 mg EOD of the blend
    1-8 possibly 10 weeks of a extra 60 mg of test prop.
    total weekly 410 test prop, 350 NPP, 350 Masteron.
    pct will be clomid with a little nolva.

    Two questions I need to know,
    1 - I have letro on hand and was going to use .25 day on cycle for gyno sides since I got sides last cycle. This I read in a sticky on this site.
    2 - I have a bunch of 3/4 inch pins and wondered if I could use these for shoulders (going to pin ED if i can use these)
    3 - also I have plenty more on hand if the doses are to low. Its just that I had the slight gyno issues at the end of last cycle with no ai but now I'm running all three.

    thx in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    I used to use letro as an ai at a similar dose, however i still found it was to much and i ran it eod, if possible i would get adex or extremestane, failing that start your letro on an eod cycle..

    Those pins should be ok however don't inject in the same delt more than once per week...

    Your last question doesnt make sense??
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Squat Rack / Kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    I used to use letro as an ai at a similar dose, however i still found it was to much and i ran it eod, if possible i would get adex or extremestane, failing that start your letro on an eod cycle..

    Those pins should be ok however don't inject in the same delt more than once per week...

    Your last question doesnt make sense??

    thx for the response Matt. As far as the pins go I was going to do EOD glutes 1 1/2 inch and quads 1 inch. Going to do ED adding in delts if the 3/4 pins are oki.
    The last question I tried editing but it wouldn't let me. What I ment to say was if the cycle does are to low I could up it a little. I was just trying to keep it lower
    since the last cycle I only ran test prop by itself at 525 mg a week and had the slight gyno issue and now was going to run the blend containing test, NPP, and Masteron.

    thx again

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