I just finished wk 5 of my test-e cycle.....500/wk.
I'm feeling good, gains are great, people are starting to take notice and give compliments ! I've had no sides other than itchy nips around wk 3, started my AI, cleared up after s couple of days and hasn't returned. Did I mention I feel and look AWESOME ! But heres my problem, when I got my gear from my source, he could only get me one bottle, then he would be able to get some more in a few weeks. Well, I was uncomfortable with this but started anyway with the test-e. I picked up the other bottle for the 2nd half of the cycle the other day and the dummy got me cyp instead of e.....this should be ok right ? To continue with the cycle with cyp ? Should I continue with pinning twice per week or space it out more ? And should I still wait 2 weeks after last pin for pct.....thanks guys....