doin some research tryin to get a feel for what a basic but good cycle for mass building would be, without gaining too much fat, of course a very clean high protien healthy diet plays into it as well, just wanna hear what everyone has to say...
doin some research tryin to get a feel for what a basic but good cycle for mass building would be, without gaining too much fat, of course a very clean high protien healthy diet plays into it as well, just wanna hear what everyone has to say...
What are your stats? have you cycled before?
206 lbs
17% BF
max bench 255
max squat 375
ive run two 5 week cycles of PH's in the last year and a half, never real juice like to though considering ive been plateued for about 6 months and cant get out of the rut im in but i dont wanna do PH's anymore to harsh on the liver along with a list of other potential bad side effects
I have run PH's twice, ill not run them again. My friend had some bad sides from running a PH cycle, wise choice not running them IMO.
What's your age mate, hows your diet?
23, diet is fairly clean for the most part around 2500-3500 cals a day, i try to take in about 200g protien a day sometimes dont make it though and i will admit i do eat some sh*t food every once in a while
PHs trade a lot of the good for more of the bad regarding AAS.
Personal opinion but I'd suggest staying away from them.
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