Hey guys,
This is my first post so please bear with me!
Here are my stats:
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 320 lbs.
Age: 24
Blood pressure: 110 (systole)/ 70 (diastole)
Cholesterol: Near the upper limit
Current medications: Synthroid and Zoloft
I workout 5-6x a week and although I weigh 320 lbs., I am a pretty athletic 320 lbs.. I want to drop body fat and my original plan was to drop weight naturally until I reached a peak (at around 280lbs.) and then go on a Clenbuterol stack. But my friend told me that if I was planning on doing this stack, why not just start right away. So I'm thinking of doing a Clen stack right now to accelerate my body fat loss. I have been losing weight at a good pace (0.3 lbs. per day) on my current training and diet regimen (3000 cal. per day).
The stack I was thinking of doing is:
Cytomel (or I might just keep my synthroid)
I will start with a low dose of Clen (20 mcg) and then increase as I go on. What do you guys think? What should I add to my stack or remove from it? How should I cycle the cytomel and ketotifen?
Any feedback is appreciated!