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  1. #1
    karl1744 is offline New Member
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    hows my stack looking

    Please give advice were possible, thank you

    week Test P Tren Anavar/ Winny Arimidex

    1 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 50mgs/day .5mgs/day
    2 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 50mgs/day .5mgs/day
    3 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 50mgs/day .5mgs/day
    4 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 50mgs/day .5mgs/day
    5 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 50mgs/day .5mgs/day
    6 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 50mgs/day .5mgs/day
    7 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD .5mgs/day
    8 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD .5mgs/day
    9 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 80mgs/day .5mgs/day
    10 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 80mgs/day .5mgs/day
    11 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 80mgs/day .5mgs/day
    12 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 80mgs/day .5mgs/day

  2. #2
    karl1744 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011

    hows my stack looking

    Please give advice were possible, thank you

    week Test P Tren Anavar / Winny Arimidex

    1 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 50mgs/day .5mgs/day
    2 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 50mgs/day .5mgs/day
    3 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 50mgs/day .5mgs/day
    4 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 50mgs/day .5mgs/day
    5 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 50mgs/day .5mgs/day
    6 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 50mgs/day .5mgs/day
    7 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD .5mgs/day
    8 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD .5mgs/day
    9 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 80mgs/day .5mgs/day
    10 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 80mgs/day .5mgs/day
    11 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 80mgs/day .5mgs/day
    12 100mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 80mgs/day .5mgs/day
    Last edited by karl1744; 11-13-2011 at 05:15 PM.

  3. #3
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Wut r ur stats, goals & cycle experience?

  4. #4
    karl1744 is offline New Member
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    have done about 4 bulking cycles in my 20's i am now 31 never done cutting cycle going to thailand for 4 months to fight and train like i always do every yr, im 5ft 9 90kg 16%bf.
    diet is average atm but out there its clean as.
    goal drop body fat.

  5. #5
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by karl1744 View Post
    have done about 4 bulking cycles in my 20's i am now 31 never done cutting cycle going to thailand for 4 months to fight and train like i always do every yr, im 5ft 9 90kg 16%bf.
    diet is average atm but out there its clean as.
    goal drop body fat.
    OK, when I sed cycle exp., I meant wut compounds hav u used? Hav u used Tren b4?

  6. #6
    karl1744 is offline New Member
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    sorry mate, all over the place today, last day before i go to thailand, yes used it before but not for very long as i was just trying it out, but liked what i got in the short period of time. compounds i have used before are the basics really, deca , sust, test E, test P, ECA, clen and tren .

  7. #7
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Any particular reason ur running Winny the whole cycle? And the Var, maybe I'm confused but r u running it 12 wks also? Wut is ur PCT?
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 11-13-2011 at 05:40 PM.

  8. #8
    karl1744 is offline New Member
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    thanks mate, i wanted to run either winny or var depending on what I can get my hands on, i would rather run var as its safer, I have been advised to run .5mgs of Arimidex all the way, i was told with that I wouldnt need a pct, is this not correct mate???

  9. #9
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by karl1744 View Post
    thanks mate, i wanted to run either winny or var depending on what I can get my hands on, i would rather run var as its safer, I have been advised to run .5mgs of Arimidex all the way, i was told with that I wouldn't need a pct, is this not correct mate???
    WHOA!!! Who told u that u wouldn't need PCT?!?! Ur gona run the most powerful 19 nor known 2 man along side 2 other compounds that will further shut u down, ur gona hav 2 bring ur natty Test. back. PCT IS A MUST! And know that I think about it, I would run some HCG with this cycle as well.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 11-13-2011 at 05:53 PM.

  10. #10
    karl1744 is offline New Member
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    Im thinking a 4 week Nolvadex cycle after I finish 40mg first 2 weeks then 20mg 3-4.

  11. #11
    karl1744 is offline New Member
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    thats what i thought mate tbh, as the arimidex is just to reduce bitchy titties lol i will deffo run nolvadex for 4 weeks mate, when do you think its best to start the PCT, also what do you think about running the var the hole 12 weeks first 6 weeks 50mg then shifting to 80mg for the rest of the 6 weeks.???? diet is going to be clean but low, around the 1600-2000 mark

  12. #12
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by karl1744 View Post
    thats what i thought mate tbh, as the arimidex is just to reduce bitchy titties lol i will deffo run nolvadex for 4 weeks mate, when do you think its best to start the PCT, also what do you think about running the var the hole 12 weeks first 6 weeks 50mg then shifting to 80mg for the rest of the 6 weeks.???? diet is going to be clean but low, around the 1600-2000 mark
    OK, most generally, u dont want 2 run orals longer than 6 wks, but I HAVE heard of people running Var for up to 8..................I wouldn't. As far as when 2 start PCT, seeing as how ur using the Prop. & Ace. esters, I think standard protocol call for 3 days after ur last pin, u mite wanna verify that. Also, u may consider stopping the Tren . a couple wks b4 the end of cycle, that way it vacates ur system in a Test. rich environment. PCT looks good. Can u get ur hands on some HCG ?

  13. #13
    karl1744 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    OK, most generally, u dont want 2 run orals longer than 6 wks, but I HAVE heard of people running Var for up to 8..................I wouldn't. As far as when 2 start PCT, seeing as how ur using the Prop. & Ace. esters, I think standard protocol call for 3 days after ur last pin, u mite wanna verify that. Also, u may consider stopping the Tren. a couple wks b4 the end of cycle, that way it vacates ur system in a Test. rich environment. PCT looks good. Can u get ur hands on some HCG?
    I am in Thailand I can get my hands on anything lol and I have a great chemist that all the fighters go to, all the stuff is legit...... so you say stop the tren a few weeks early then so week 10??? also i will only use the var for 1-8 weeks at 50mg going up to 80mgs after the first 3 weeks, would you say sack the winny, BF loss is my goal..... thx karl

  14. #14
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Ok, so get some HCG & starting in ur 2nd wk, use 250 iu's 2wice a wk up to, but NOT including PCT (in other words, stop the HCG in wk 12) If ur gona run the Winny I would do it the last 6 wks & I would NOT run the Var in the beginning. (Too much liver stress)

  15. #15
    karl1744 is offline New Member
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    ok i am just going to run var for 8 weeks no winny at all to much stress on liver your right. i have heard good results with var anyway. if i want to drop more fat i can always add clen or ethadrin to this really.... so end result look like this then bear.

    week 1-12 100mg test P
    week 1-10 75mg Tren
    week 1-2 50mg var 3-8 80mg var
    week 1-12 .5mg arimidex
    week 3-12 HCG

    PCT Nolvadex week 1-2 40mg week 3-4 20mg

    good results you think with good clean diet and shit loads of BJJ and weights

  16. #16
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Looks good 2 me brother, good luck, keep us posted. And keep an eye on ur vitals.

  17. #17
    karl1744 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Looks good 2 me brother, good luck, keep us posted. And keep an eye on ur vitals.

    cheers mate, you been a great help clearing a few things up for me, i may also just take a liver tab to help it out.........would you expect any sides with this cycle mate

  18. #18
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Ur using a fairly low dose of Test. But I'd still would say there's a chance of gyno when coupled with the Tren ., hopefully ur adex dose will b sufficient 2 stop it b4 it starts. & I wouldn't worry 2 much about sides from the Var, but Tren., even @ 300 mg/wk, will most likely giv u the sweats & raise progestin, which promotes gyno.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 11-13-2011 at 07:43 PM.

  19. #19
    gymfu's Avatar
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    I don't like the PCT, Nolva alone is not enough. Add clomid or tamox. I perfer clomid, 100mg for two weeks and 50 for two more, this is with the nolva. HCG is a must IMO, I like to bump to 300ius EOD for the last two weeks.

    Are you using tren A?

  20. #20
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    I don't like the PCT, Nolva alone is not enough. Add clomid or tamox. I perfer clomid, 100mg for two weeks and 50 for two more, this is with the nolva. HCG is a must IMO, I like to bump to 300ius EOD for the last two weeks.

    Are you using tren A?
    Tamox IS Nolva. And Nolva only 4 PCT has always been sufficient in bringing back my Test. levels.

  21. #21
    karl1744 is offline New Member
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    Hay gymfu it all depends what i can get my hands on out there tbh, normally there is no probs but its high season at the moment were i am going so the shops might be a bit low on gear, just come back from the gym and i spoke to one of the Guys who competes in BB and he said that i should be on 1ml of test and 1ml of tren together same pin n pump EOD with cycle i am doing, does this sound right to you or will it be to much, cutting is my main goal if i put abit of size on then bonus,

  22. #22
    karl1744 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by karl1744 View Post
    Hay gymfu it all depends what i can get my hands on out there tbh, normally there is no probs but its high season at the moment were i am going so the shops might be a bit low on gear, just come back from the gym and i spoke to one of the Guys who competes in BB and he said that i should be on 1ml of test and 1ml of tren together same pin n pump EOD with cycle i am doing, does this sound right to you or will it be to much, cutting is my main goal if i put abit of size on then bonus,

  23. #23
    karl1744 is offline New Member
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    Bump !!!!!!

  24. #24
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sorry not tamox, I ment torem, I still prefer clomid but some people like torem just fine. For most people nolva alone is not strong enough and more is what is recomended by most of us here.
    Last edited by gymfu; 11-15-2011 at 09:01 PM.

  25. #25
    gymfu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by karl1744 View Post
    Hay gymfu it all depends what i can get my hands on out there tbh, normally there is no probs but its high season at the moment were i am going so the shops might be a bit low on gear, just come back from the gym and i spoke to one of the Guys who competes in BB and he said that i should be on 1ml of test and 1ml of tren together same pin n pump EOD with cycle i am doing, does this sound right to you or will it be to much, cutting is my main goal if i put abit of size on then bonus,
    Ok well I would try to get ahold of either clomid or torem and you need the hcg , IMO. Yes you can mix the test and tren , two ml is fine to inject at once. Is your tren dosed at 75mg/ml? or are you thinking of upping the dose from your original post? I would also consider running the car at 80mg for the whole time.

  26. #26
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    Sorry not tamox, I ment torem, I still prefer clomid but some people like torem just fine. I didn't suggest that 4 weeks is not long enough, the problem here is that nolva alone is not strong enough and more is what is recomended by most of us here.
    Nolva is plenty strong enuf, I've never had a problem coming back using a Nolva only PCT after a cycle. But u r correct about most people here recommend / use Clomid & Nolva 4 PCT.

  27. #27
    tony1982 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by karl1744 View Post
    ok i am just going to run var for 8 weeks no winny at all to much stress on liver your right. i have heard good results with var anyway. if i want to drop more fat i can always add clen or ethadrin to this really.... so end result look like this then bear.

    week 1-12 100mg test P
    week 1-10 75mg Tren
    week 1-2 50mg var 3-8 80mg var
    week 1-12 .5mg arimidex
    week 3-12 HCG

    PCT Nolvadex week 1-2 40mg week 3-4 20mg

    good results you think with good clean diet and shit loads of BJJ and weights
    I am jealous looks like a cycle i want to do very soon. Love to hear your results.

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