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Thread: stanna tabs start times

  1. #1

    stanna tabs start times

    Just wondering if i can take stanna tabs at the end of my course. I have 50mg tabs and i was going to take 1 a day for the last 3 weeks of my course. So my last tablet will be on the last day i jab Cyp.
    my cycle consists of

    Cyp 500mgs week 1 - 12
    Deca 400mgs week 1 - 11
    Anadrol 50mgs every day week 1 - 4
    Arimidex 0.5mgs every day week 1 - 12

    50mg clomid every day weeks 1 - 4
    40mg tamoxifen every day weeks 1 - 2
    20mg tamoxifen every day weeks 3 - 6


  2. #2
    Are you saying you wanting to use thw WINSTROL after your done with the CYP...BEFORE pct?

  3. #3
    Yeah or can i take it while im using cyp and deca ?
    just want to know the best and earliest time i can start the winstrol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    I answered your question in your last, most previous post. Why would someone want to run deca and winstrol together?

  5. #5
    Because i dont know if you can run deca and winstrol together, thats why im asking questions in here. If i cant use the tabs because of the deca now when can i use them? whats the best thing for me to do to cut up put on some lean ripped muscle at the end of this cycle ?

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