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Thread: Please help! starting 2nd cycle soon.

  1. #1

    Question Please help! starting 2nd cycle soon.

    Hello everyone!

    Im starting my second cycle soon, my first cycle was testosterone cyp for 12 weeks and arimidex as PCT. Im 24 years old im a very active person i teach and train Martial Arts plus weight lifting and i know about proper nutrition and supplementation i just want to make sure before i go into my second cycle the dosage i have to take.

    Gear: Test enhantate 250 - Deca 300 PCT: Arimidex & Clomid
    cycle period: 10 weeks

    Test E 250 for 10 weeks 500mg a week divided in two shoots per week means 250 monday 250 friday.
    Deca 300 for 8 weeks 300mg a week, one shoot a week together with test (or should i divided 150/150? two shoot a week?)

    i will stop deca on week 8 and keep running test till week 10 i was thinking on taking 25mg of Arimidex since the first week of my cycle and on my post cycle. 2 weeks after my last shoot of test E start taking Clomid.

    Please let me know if i'm doing something wrong, i got everything on hand already, ready to start soon.

    Thanks a lot everyone!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    new jersey
    I would inject every Mon and thurs instead of mon and fri.. And just mix the deca into 2 shots per week with the test.. And I'd suggest adding nolva to your pct and maybe doing test for 12 weeks and deca for 10 since deca takes a bit to kick in but that's just my opinion

  3. #3
    Thanks for your opinion, i've heard the same thing you are saying about 12 weeks cycle, so no nova during cycle? only after cycle? have you done it before? do you think my dosage is good enough?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    world wide
    I'd leave the AI for the cycle and stick with SERMS for PCT. I would seriously add Nolva to your PCT. Nolva/Clomid for pct and adex for cycle.

    I'd also split up both evenly to maintain consistent blood levels.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Quote Originally Posted by DIESELPWR View Post
    I would inject every Mon and thurs instead of mon and fri.. And just mix the deca into 2 shots per week with the test.. And I'd suggest adding nolva to your pct and maybe doing test for 12 weeks and deca for 10 since deca takes a bit to kick in but that's just my opinion
    Exactly what i was going to recommend.

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