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Thread: Primobolan Depot

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    San Diego & Las Vegas

    Primobolan Depot

    Been hitting GH for a while now, getting great gains, but want a bit more. I need a really clean roid with no sides and I found out about Primo, what would be light to medium cycle of the primo injections? I heard that its a mild roid and most people dont get benefit cause they dont do enough. My book says its 100mg dose and I should take btw 400mg-600mg every week. Does that sound about right?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You need to couple it with other steroids otherwise your wasting your time and effort because alone the gains will be zero to nil. You also need to run it at least 800mgs upwards to see gains along side other AAS.

  3. #3
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    I ran it a couple times quite a few years ago. The first time was at 600mgs/week (alongside test), the second at 800(w/ test as well). It cost me a fortune. It was schering amps brown with green lettering . I think there were (or maybe are still) 2 amps avail - one is like i described the other is clear with a label - both schering. I was pretty disappointed. I ran it for long cycles - I understand its supposed to be a slow acting - well retained gains type steroid - but it just wasnt there for me (at least not even close compared to what it cost). I even hoped for it to assist in solidfying gains from other compound as i had read this at the time. Maybe if i had a shitload of cash and was on trt and could run it for months on end (as it is safe) my opinion would be different. The other concern nowadays is if going the ugl route I would strongly suspect the majority avail this route are fakes containing something else. JMO
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 11-15-2011 at 08:01 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    San Diego & Las Vegas
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You need to couple it with other steroids otherwise your wasting your time and effort because alone the gains will be zero to nil. You also need to run it at least 800mgs upwards to see gains along side other AAS.
    Never mind then, Ill just spend more money on GH and take more!! And avoid all that. I already gained 25 lbs, I guess GH is enough for me.

  5. #5
    I love primo! 1st cycle I ever did was 600mg of Schering with 50mg winstrol depot from Stambo(misspelled).... Im running it now with GH, anavar, little test P...... Very clean they say you can stay on it in between cycles to keep your size. Arnold loved it! Its rumored he introduced it in the US? My wife is on it with anavar its great for woman. Primo works very good on a calorie restricked diet also..... Now thats just what I know and have exsperiaced with primo but im no exspert at all and there are alot more people on this site that know more than myself

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Stillstriven4sixfeet View Post
    I love primo! 1st cycle I ever did was 600mg of Schering with 50mg winstrol depot from Stambo(misspelled).... Im running it now with GH, anavar, little test P...... Very clean they say you can stay on it in between cycles to keep your size. Arnold loved it! Its rumored he introduced it in the US? My wife is on it with anavar its great for woman. Primo works very good on a calorie restricked diet also..... Now thats just what I know and have exsperiaced with primo but im no exspert at all and there are alot more people on this site that know more than myself
    ^^^^That's reason enough for me to not ever try it - I'll stick with the compounds that are better suited for males.

  7. #7
    Lol I here ya!

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