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  1. #1
    tmad82 is offline New Member
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    Looking to start a cycle

    Hi. I am 29 years old and I am looking to start a cycle. I have been out of the gym for about 2 months, due to a shoulder injury. I am 100% now and am looking to bulk up quickly. Other that proper diet and protein, what should I take, if anything, to assist with this. I am 6'1 and weigh 185 lbs. Not sure where my body fat percentage is, but I have put on a small beer belly. I have read up on pills and injections. I am leaning towards testosterone injections. What is the average gain on a cycle and will it keep body fat down. Any and all information would be extremely helpful. Thanks.

  2. #2
    bigguy44 is offline Junior Member
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    First and foremost if you've put on a "beer belly" you aren't ready to cycle anytime of aas. Your diet needs to be 100% on point.

    With that being said Test is the main staple of every cycle. And if you haven't cycled before then test is all you should do. Injectables are always better than orals in many respects.

    With test, a super clean diet, and intense training you will see great gains and quality ones. Test will also reduce your bf% not by much though. Stick with a longer ester like cyp or enth. AND above all else have your PCT mapped out before you even think about your first jab in the ass!

  3. #3
    dmkiehl03 is offline New Member
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    Diet is the most important I started with Test E , Deca , and Anadrol for my first cycle and saw amazing gains. This was after nearly a year at the gym or longer and trimming my body fat and getting to a peek in my workout. I ran it only every two then three days with 2 10ml vials and 30 days of about 25 to 50 mcg's of anadrol. But first and foremost get your body in good condition use milk thistle before hand to clear out your liver and as needed throughout. Make sure to have some post like clomid/nolva on hand just in case.

  4. #4
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by dmkiehl03 View Post
    Diet is the most important I started with Test E , Deca , and Anadrol for my first cycle and saw amazing gains. This was after nearly a year at the gym or longer and trimming my body fat and getting to a peek in my workout. I ran it only every two then three days with 2 10ml vials and 30 days of about 25 to 50 mcg's of anadrol. But first and foremost get your body in good condition use milk thistle before hand to clear out your liver and as needed throughout. Make sure to have some post like clomid/nolva on hand just in case.
    OP, pay no attn. 2 this poor decision. After u get ur BF% in check, it's best 2 start with a Test ONLY cycle. Do u know ur BF%?

  5. #5
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    6'1 /185 with a beer belly? sounds like your not ready quite yet...

  6. #6
    tmad82 is offline New Member
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    bf% is between 15-20. I need to get an accurate reading. anyone know who can do it

  7. #7
    Macon_Bacon's Avatar
    Macon_Bacon is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tmad82 View Post
    bf% is between 15-20. I need to get an accurate reading. anyone know who can do it
    Get a body fat caliper. They are cheap and can be SEMI-accurate. Make sure you find the correct conversion equation. The most accurate will be some sort of hydrostatic measurement but I have no idea where they do that or how much that would cost.

  8. #8
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    I'd be real careful if u decide to jump on a cycle. Your shoulder injury put u out for 2 months and even though it seems 100%, the increased strain from growing more rapidly and lifting more than you would naturally is gonna be hell on that shoulder. I'd go at it a few months naturally and build that shoulder properly before jumpin on cycle and doing further damage

  9. #9
    tmad82 is offline New Member
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    should i cycle for a full 12 weeks? also, how much gain can i expect, calories to take in...etc. also, what side effects would be most common with a cycle?

  10. #10
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    At the risk of sounding like an a$$hole & possibly getting in trouble with 1 of the Mods or Vets, I hav 2 ask, how much research did u do? Any? These r questions u should hav researched & had answers to BEFORE u came here telling every1 ur ready 2 cycle. If u don't know how many calories 2 take in, that suggests ur diet is most likely insufficient / wrong. And u should know the side effects of ur compounds inside out & how 2 combat / avoid them, BEFORE even thinkin bout injecting them in ur body. Ur not even sure how long 2 cycle...............these r all basics man, I think u should step away from the needle & spend some mor time in the books bro................or u may regret it.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 11-18-2011 at 04:36 PM.

  11. #11
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Yeah, i agree. Not a lot of research done. I suggest you educate yourself cause you really never know who might pop up and give some crazy ass advice, and for the lack of knowledge, you decide to run w/it. We try to keep that to a minimum, but almost impossible to stop all of it.

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