First time using this. Actually first time for anything thing. Any pointers on how to go about use and dose, how long cycle etc?
First time using this. Actually first time for anything thing. Any pointers on how to go about use and dose, how long cycle etc?
First you will have to give your stats. Then you will need to do your own research for your cycle and PCT. Plan your cycle. Then post it and ask for opinions. Good luck. Test 600?
the products in the banner above...they are suppliments, use as directed on the bottle...
So they will help with building muscle mass and size?
28, 71kg 176cm Gym regularly. I wanna put on good muscle mass. Finding it hard to build good results. Any recommendations or products.
Well if ur "finding it hard to build good results" then I would take a look @ ur diet & training. R u eating enuf 2 gain? R u lifting in a manner conducive 2 building mass?
Think so mate. Wanna get into this stuff though. Any pointers I'm more then happy to take. Still researching. But wanna know what's best to start on.
Post ur diet & training regime so we can hav a look & possibly figure out y ur not gaining.
aas will do very little for you if you arnt gaining natty and what you do gain you will lose quickly cus you most likely dont have the diet to support any gains...
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