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Thread: Test E, Tren A, Var, Win Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Test E, Tren A, Var, Win Cycle

    Training for 13 yrs (former competitive athlete)
    This is my 4th Cycl
    28 yrs old/210/5'11
    bf @ 18% (trying to get down to 14% before cycl)
    Best way to describe my training is that its only as good as my diet during the time period....If I eat clean I train harder -- If not (due to extracurricular activities--puff puff) I then will eat like shit for that period and my training suffers.
    Currently on clean diet (and will be for the for seeable future) 1g of protein per lean body weight (about 190lbs/g of protein)
    Running 3.5 miles/day in addition to my 2 body parts/day for 6 days/wk in a 3 on - 1 off breakdown. Limiting Carb intake to 150g/day.
    NOT LOOKING TO GET HUGE...LOOKING TO ADD MUSCLE AND CUT FAT (isn't everybody) WOULD LIKE TO COME DOWN TO 185-195 Ripped! BUt that will all depend on how disciplined I can stay with my nutrition.
    Week 0-15: ArimidexX 0.5mg ED
    Week 1-11: 250mg Test E (M,TH)
    Week 1-10: 100mg Tren A (M,W,F)
    Week 1-11: Cabergoline 0.5mg (M,W,F)
    Week 1-6: 70mg Var ED
    Week 7-11: 50mg Win ED
    Week 2-13: 150iu HCG (Sun,T,F)
    Week 12-15: PCT Nolva ED 20/20/20/10 (mg-wk)
    -Letro on hand (just in case)
    -Will also be taking Liver support sup and Fiber pills

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    If you are running test E up until the end of week 11, you can`t start pct week 12. You need to wait 2 weeks to start also I like to use clomid and nolva myself for pct.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    You're right....I switched the time periods and sups around and neglected to adjust the pct to wk 13-16....Good catch! Clomid and Nolva is def a safe bet, but I figured that Nolva may be good enough since I would be running Arimidex and hcg throughout the cycle. Would you say that this reasoning holds any water/makes sense?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    correction --- The reasoning is mostly towards running arimidex throughout the cycle and pct...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i honestly dont like anything about your cycle
    Tren a 3x a week?
    Are you gyno prone?
    adex and caber?
    pct is horrible and timing if off.

  6. #6
    You shouldn't be running adex during pct.....

    I would run nolva w/ tore or nolva w/ clomid. I wouldn't rely on nolva only for recovery from a tren cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Def gyno prone...pct is supposed to start on wk 13 (my mistake)....Caber is to support with sides from tren. Any suggestions? What would you change?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    have you ever used tren before?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Thanks Sgt., that's exactly what I was looking for...will def look to add clomid. When should I stop the adex....wk 12? (pct start wk 13 - nolva, clomid)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    First time using tren, that's mostly why I started the thread....Did the research and def saw that people take it more then just 3x wk so I understand ur prev comment. However due to the potential sides and my lack of experience with the substance, in the spirit of playing it somewhat safe, I decided to do 3x wk and opted for tren A.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Wakalito1 View Post
    First time using tren, that's mostly why I started the thread....Did the research and def saw that people take it more then just 3x wk so I understand ur prev comment. However due to the potential sides and my lack of experience with the substance, in the spirit of playing it somewhat safe, I decided to do 3x wk and opted for tren A.
    it doesn't work that way. With tren a half life you need to run it eod. You will probably have more sides from the fluctuation in your hormones. If you want to use less then run a lower dose like 50mg or 75mg eod.

    Thats just alot of a-dex and i wouldnt use the caber unless you have an issue

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    you should start pct week 14 not 13.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Thank you --- Got it! Will make those adjustments....The reasoning behind the adex is that I have prepubescent gyno (sucks, had it as long as I can remember). Do you think that adjusting adex to eod will make it a more realistic addition to the cycle? If you don't mind helping me out, why wiouldn't you run the Caber?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    well you have run 4 cycles already so if you know you need that much a-dex then thats what i would use.
    You dont know if you are going to have issues from the tren so why take something if you dont need it. I would have it incase you do.

    What have your previous cycles looked like

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    1 test e 250mg 2x wk/8wks
    2 test prop 100mg eod/10wks
    3 test prop 100mg eod + winnie 50mg ed/10 wks (winnie last 4 wks)

    *on all did Adex 0.5 eod through pct and did 4 wk pct w/ Nolva and hcg (didn't do hcg during cycle, after some research decided to do that now)
    *Also had to use some letro during pct during my first cycle due to gyno

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    This will be my 4th

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    if you were ok on .5 of a-dex eod why are you increasing to ed?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    My reasoning behind that has to do with incorporating hcg during cycle....from my research and personal experience hcg has negative effects on (my) gyno. So in the spirit of doing it right I decided that it may be beneficial to add adex ed, but that's where experience may trump common sense and why your input would be important....

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    everyone is different. My reasoning is less drugs i have to take the better.
    If you start to feel symptoms you can always increase.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I agree...Sometimes we can get a little carried away with the research and adding substances that should prevent sides that "may" happen. I will adjust the adex to eod as I have taken it before and will hold off on the caber @3 x wk and instead will include it as (if) needed 2 x wk. Thanks again man! Anyone have any input regarding var and winnie in the same cycle?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Updated Cycle (Based on some of the suggestions)

    Week 0-12: Arimidex 0.5mg EOD

    Week 1-11: 250mg Test E (M,TH)

    Week 1-10: 75mg Tren A EOD

    Week 1-16: Cabergoline 0.5mg EOD*

    Week 1-6: 70mg Anavar ED

    Week 7-11: 50mg Winnie ED

    Week 2-13: 150iu HCG (Sun,T,F)

    Week 13-16: PCT Nolvadex ED 20/20/20/10 (mg-wk)

    Week 13-16: PCT Clomid ED
    100/100/75/50 (mg-wk)

    Week 13-16: PCT Aromasin ED*
    12.5/12.5/12.5/12.5 (mg-wk)

    *Decided to run Cab through cycle and pct, couldn't identify a valid reason not to...sides seem reasonable (lol)...looking for some feedback on this decision.
    *Saw consistent dosing of Aromasin during pct in my research....also interested in dosing suggestions if in your opinion this consistent dosing is lacking...

    Any and all opinions/suggestions are welcome!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

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