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Thread: Planning first cycle,

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Planning first cycle,

    Hey I'm 25, former Marine. Been lifting w/o steroids for about 5 years now. I weight about 192 with a 13% BF on a good day. I have not been able to go above 205 lbs, I'm looking to get to gain mass and possibly compete next year. I have done some research on my first cycle, Seem like TEST is the way to go, I need a little more info on the PCT, and how to counter act gyno just in case. I look forward to talking to every one and thanks in advance!
    Last edited by BigBen86; 11-18-2011 at 05:00 PM.

  2. #2
    hey ben im pretty new to this as well but i have done a lot of reading. Most of the advice you will get from these guys right now is to read. The PCT stickie, everything you need to know about gyno stickie, etc. Test enth is the most popular and widely used form of test, its under the steroid profiles section on the main page. Most common for pct is nolva/clomid. You can buy online. Good luck with the research. Also you want to look into the diet threads and make sure your diet is in check or doing a cycle will be close to useless. Talking cost on the open forum is also a quick way to get in trouble with the mods.

    Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Got it.... Ok I will research further
    Last edited by BigBen86; 11-18-2011 at 05:04 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Test E is my suggestion....Check out Swifto's thread (sticky) in the PCT Forum, it will tell you all you need know.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Hey So how many college credits do I get for reading all these stickies ...I feel like I have taken a college bio course. Any way the Information is awesome. Any idea when my account will be activated? I can't get to my control panel or anything. I'm still researching and what not hopefully some time soon I will post my first cycle. Here is What my daily diet consists of any tweaks you can suggest would be great. I do think I need to up my protein I'm just not sure what time slot yet.

    8am Coffe/protein shake, Granola bar 25g Protein 30g Carbs
    10am 5 Eggs /w 3/4 oatmeal 1 cup of milk 54g Protein 70g carbs
    12pm Greek yogurt w/ apple 20g Protein 25g carbs
    230pm Roastbeef sandwich on 9 grain 60g Protein 75g Carbs
    430pm pre work out shake apple 25g Protein 25g Carbs
    6/630pmpost work out shake mass gainer 60g Protein 130g carbs
    8pm Ground turkey Brown rice with veggies 60g Protein 60g carbs
    10-11 pm usually before bed - either Cottage cheese 30g Protein or Greek yogurt w almonds 30g Protein
    Protein total = 334 Carbs = total 415

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Out there
    Post this up on the Diet section on here. My 2 cents are that you need to eat more...

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBen86 View Post
    Hey So how many college credits do I get for reading all these stickies ...I feel like I have taken a college bio course. Any way the Information is awesome. Any idea when my account will be activated? I can't get to my control panel or anything. I'm still researching and what not hopefully some time soon I will post my first cycle. Here is What my daily diet consists of any tweaks you can suggest would be great. I do think I need to up my protein I'm just not sure what time slot yet.

    8am Coffe/protein shake, Granola bar 25g Protein 30g Carbs
    10am 5 Eggs /w 3/4 oatmeal 1 cup of milk 54g Protein 70g carbs
    12pm Greek yogurt w/ apple 20g Protein 25g carbs
    230pm Roastbeef sandwich on 9 grain 60g Protein 75g Carbs
    430pm pre work out shake apple 25g Protein 25g Carbs
    6/630pmpost work out shake mass gainer 60g Protein 130g carbs
    8pm Ground turkey Brown rice with veggies 60g Protein 60g carbs
    10-11 pm usually before bed - either Cottage cheese 30g Protein or Greek yogurt w almonds 30g Protein
    Protein total = 334 Carbs = total 415

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