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Thread: arimidex during cycle

  1. #1

    arimidex during cycle

    20% bf
    first cycle

    What is the minimum amount of Arimidex I can take during my cycle to combat any potential estro sides, mainly gyno. Originally I was thinking .5 mg eod, but that seems a little much since this is my first time and i don't even know if its absolutely necessary. Would .5 every third day or something like that still be effective? whats the lowest I could go and still get the usefulness out of it?

  2. #2
    i think if your worried about gyno etc to probally start on .25mg eod from what i hear and then if you start getting symptons up the dose ! my next cycle i will be running .5mg ed as i got slight gyno last cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by doohgkx
    20% bf
    first cycle

    What is the minimum amount of Arimidex I can take during my cycle to combat any potential estro sides, mainly gyno. Originally I was thinking .5 mg eod, but that seems a little much since this is my first time and i don't even know if its absolutely necessary. Would .5 every third day or something like that still be effective? whats the lowest I could go and still get the usefulness out of it?
    Based off your stats.... It does not look like you are ready for aas. 20% body fat at 195 and 6'4? Sounds like a diet problem. Go to the diet section and save yourself some money and future gains. How old are you?

  4. #4
    Ok I'll try that out, thank you. I've never had to split pills before. Is it difficult to cut off a fourth of a small pill since I'll be getting 1mg tabs?

  5. #5
    I don't know for sure if I'm 20% BF, I just assume that most people say 15% and they're probably already really muscular whereas I'm just kinda plain. I'm not fat by any means, just plain lol. So I added 5% just to be safe. And I'm 22.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by doohgkx
    I don't know for sure if I'm 20% BF, I just assume that most people say 15% and they're probably already really muscular whereas I'm just kinda plain. I'm not fat by any means, just plain lol. So I added 5% just to be safe. And I'm 22.
    You are also to young man. I know the temptation trust me. Your better off waiting till your 25. You will save yourself some possible long term side effects. Your endocrine system can get messed up... Or your natural growth. Please re consider. At that weight and height your not ready anyways. You have so much natural test right now that if you learned how to diet and train correctly you could be 30 pounds bigger! Think about that if you did that for 3 more years and gained a huge knowledge on aas where you would be at!

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