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Thread: Test E question

  1. #1
    doohgkx is offline New Member
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    Test E question

    I'm going to do 10 weeks of Test E 500. Should I take 250 monday and thursday or should I just take the 500 all in one hot? (Hopefully I can split it up lol) Also, where is the "sweet spot" for working out after an injection. I've heard two hours after injection is where your stats will spike. Is this true?

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    what are your stats?
    Do you have pct
    yes split it up in 2 shots
    lol there is no sweet spot

  3. #3
    doohgkx is offline New Member
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    first cycle

    I'm gonna do .25 arimidex eod during cycle and 2 weeks after last test e shot my pct will be Nolva 40/40/20/20 and Arimidex .5/.5/.25/.25 I'd rather have aromasin and clomid for my pct but I'm just working with what I have.

  4. #4
    xo3et's Avatar
    xo3et is offline Productive Member
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    Age please?

    Why are you taking the arimidex , are you prone to gyno?
    Your want clomid for PCT.

    Your weight at 195lbs along with being that tall tells me that your not eating correctly, you need to start learning to eat instead of using AAS. I guarantee your loose all your gains from this cycle and i haven't even seen your training program.

    Please post your diet so we can check this and try and get things in order, AAS is not what you want at this moment in time. Its food....

  5. #5
    jholl's Avatar
    jholl is offline Junior Member
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    monday/thursday every week. u may not even notice it for 2 weeks since ur going to be running slow acting e.

  6. #6
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by doohgkx View Post
    I'm going to do 10 weeks of Test E 500. Should I take 250 monday and thursday or should I just take the 500 all in one hot? (Hopefully I can split it up lol) Also, where is the "sweet spot" for working out after an injection. I've heard two hours after injection is where your stats will spike. Is this true?
    You can actaully do either. Once every 5-7 days is perfectly fine,,,but if you like you could split it MON/THUR.

  7. #7
    nashvilleterror is offline New Member
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    You will find that splitting the dose lowers the level of testosterone in your body when compared to a single dose, but you will have a much more constant level. A single dose will give you the highest concentration of Test on injection day and will taper down steadily until the next injection which with Test E is about a 50% decrease, so there is a lot of flux with Once per week injections. Try looking at the roid calculator. Its good to go.

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Food,food,food. At your height and weight i'd literally be eating everything in sight and working out like a mad man. Hit the Nutrition Section. I believe there's still a sticky in there that reads "Learn how to bulk" or " So you want to learn how to bulk?" It's pretty good stuff. Post you current diet before hitting the stickies. You can read while waiting on responses.
    To answer your question. The test is better shot twice a week. Monday and Thursday is best.
    Find Clomid for your Pct as well.

  9. #9
    The Situation is offline Associate Member
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    This guy is only 22. I warned him and tried to tell him in another thread that he made.

  10. #10
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Situation View Post
    This guy is only 22. I warned him and tried to tell him in another thread that he made.
    He's 20

  11. #11
    The Situation is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79
    He's 20
    Then he lied to me..

  12. #12
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Situation View Post
    Then he lied to me..
    That's y I ALWAYS check the profile.

  13. #13
    cb714's Avatar
    cb714 is offline Member
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    What you should be doing is splitting up your food to 5-6 times per day until you get a little older.

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