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  1. #1
    JAB44 is offline New Member
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    PLEASE evaluate my cycle


    I am thinking about starting my first cycle. I only have the BD 50mg D-bols and in order to take 25mg a day i was going to cut them in fourths and take 2 fourths a day. Anyways here is what my beginner cycle looks like, please tell me what you think.

    Weeks 1-4 --- Dbol - 25mg/day
    Weeks 1-8 --- Deca - 200mg/week
    Weeks 1-12 -- Test E - 400 mg/week
    Weeks 1-12 -- Arimidex - .25mg/day
    Weeks 14-17 - Nolvadex - 20mg/day

    Please let me know what you think.

  2. #2
    spiketannin's Avatar
    spiketannin is offline Associate Member
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    whoa thats a lil too serious for a first cycle bro

  3. #3
    sir.solidarity's Avatar
    sir.solidarity is offline Associate Member
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  4. #4
    JAB44 is offline New Member
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    What would you recommend as a beginner bulking cycle. Dbol and test or dbol and deca ?

  5. #5
    sir.solidarity's Avatar
    sir.solidarity is offline Associate Member
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    Why do you have 2 threads on the first page man...sigh.

  6. #6
    JAB44 is offline New Member
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    Sorry about that. Im doing all this off my phone right now and its kind of hard to use

  7. #7
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Nice to see you're listening and getting off that d-bol only cycle. Listen man, you don't need all those compounds for a first cycle.
    What is your height and weight?

  8. #8
    JAB44 is offline New Member
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    Thanks, and from what I've read, it seems I should stick with either Test E alone or with dbol . Im 5'10 170. What would you suggest.

  9. #9
    stpete is offline Banned
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    First, it's imperative that you have a solid diet and training regimen down, and dedicated to both! If not, you're wasting your time. Something to think about before you start.
    Test E for 12 weeks @ 400mgs per week(what you posted) Split in 2 shots per week. Forget the d-bol and deca for right now.
    Your PCT is weak! You need to add some clomid w/ your nolva.
    I see you're 24 and it wouldn't hurt for you to do some more research first, but i get the feeling that you're going to run it anyway.
    Research PCT and get back to us.

  10. #10
    JAB44 is offline New Member
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    Ive done a decent amount of research on pct and found that nolvadex is pretty good by itself. But I will check into it. Also, I dont plan on doing this anytime soon, for when i do decide to do it, i want to do it right.

  11. #11
    Acezz is offline New Member
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    Nolva works great for blocking Estrogen and preventing things like Gyno happening and does a small amount of test stimulating

    Clomid works great for test stimulating and does small amount of blocking Estrogen and preventing Gyno you'd be silly to do one and not the other.

  12. #12
    ecruz's Avatar
    ecruz is offline Member
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    bottom line bro do your anti e's, prevent gyno and bring ur nutz back to size.. if u choose not to listen and go ahead with this heavy cycle run ur test two wks over deca not four wks.. run ur anti e's they will also help harden u up and keep some of your gains.. ur 2 to 4 ratio is a little spaced

  13. #13
    tobetutz's Avatar
    tobetutz is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    First, it's imperative that you have a solid diet and training regimen down, and dedicated to both! If not, you're wasting your time. Something to think about before you start.
    Test E for 12 weeks @ 400mgs per week(what you posted) Split in 2 shots per week. Forget the d-bol and deca for right now.
    Your PCT is weak! You need to add some clomid w/ your nolva.
    I see you're 24 and it wouldn't hurt for you to do some more research first, but i get the feeling that you're going to run it anyway.
    Research PCT and get back to us.
    Why would he forget the dbol and deca? Why not run the deca and test for 12 weeks (front loading the test) and dbol for 4 weeks?
    Last edited by tobetutz; 11-19-2011 at 10:08 PM.

  14. #14
    randymeans's Avatar
    randymeans is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tobetutz View Post
    Why would he forget the dbol and deca? Why not run the deca and test for 12 weeks (front loading the test) and dbol for 4 weeks?

    because this is his 1st cycle and he need to see what test alone does for him! test enan or test cyp no more than 500mg a week and thats after you have a solid diet and training! im 5'7" at 190ish lbs without gear so id deff do some diet changing! Train hard and diet even harder!

  15. #15
    tobetutz's Avatar
    tobetutz is offline Associate Member
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    Who cares what your stats are, seriously not impressive just like your answer.

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