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  1. #1
    endy0430 is offline New Member
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    Thinking of doing Anavar for my first steroid

    Hello my name is Endy I'm 38 years old. I been lifting on and off for a better part of my life. The last 7 months I have been lifting 5x a week religiously. I have lost 45lbs in that time and have gotten stronger. For the past 3 weeks I have stop losing weight and I'm stuck at 260. So my cousin told me about Anavar he told me it helps with the weight lost and will also help with some definition.

    So I'm thinking of doing it and wanted to get some advice on it. He told me to take 3 20mg pills day so I will be doing 60mg a day. So questions I have are do I need to stack it with something else. Should I try it by itself first. Also any other advice you guys have on Anavar will be greatly appreciated.

    I have never done steroids in life before so this will be my first.


  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board Endy,
    Good question.
    Var is probably the only steroid where you will see debate as to whether or not you need to stack with test, whether you should PCT after.....
    It is very mild, and very expensive.
    If all you want to do is drop weight, then there may be other things you could do instead, without the risk of sides.
    There a variety of peptides that could help. In most cases, slower acting than var, but the benefits have a tendency to last long after you stop taking the peptides. I'm thinking CJC-1295 (w/o DAC), GHRP-6 specifically. These trigger a GH response, and thereby helps shed BF%, promotes LBM, and grow new muscle tissue, with a promise of improving connective tissue such as tendons and ligiments. Typically, you would expect to run a course for 6 months minimum.

    Problem with var alone is you run the risk of shutting down your natural test production. Means the risk of ED, loss of libido. you will epxerience a spike in blood pressure while on var. Cholestoral levels will probably jump too. And although not as harsh as other oral steroids , it still stresses the liver.

    True, you could add test as a base to eliviate the sexual sides, but you will 100% shut down your natural test production, and will have to PCT after. At 38, doing cycles could trigger early onset of diminished testosterone production, resulting in your need for TRT on a permenant basis.

    So if your normal test levels are clinically tested, and are decent, then instead of all those problems associated with aas, and at your age, the peptide option looks pretty attractive.

    Just something to consider....

  3. #3
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    stats with bf%////260 how tall????

  4. #4
    ucf465 is offline Associate Member
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    var will do nothing if your body fat is to high. you'll get stronger tho

  5. #5
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ucf465 View Post
    var will do nothing if your body fat is to high. you'll get stronger tho
    What do you base that statement on?

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