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  1. #1
    sensaispike's Avatar
    sensaispike is offline Member
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    Extra Cals on cycle?

    Just a quick question for you guys. When you are bulking on cycle how much do you exceed your daily caloric expenditure by? I have usually done pretty well with 500-1000 extra cals per day, (this is natural as this is my first cycle!), but I was wondering if you guys go even higher when on cycle.

  2. #2
    nashvilleterror is offline New Member
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    I am taking 1500 over my expenditure. Going broke trying to feed myself too. Im on my first steroid cycle but I can tell you that bulking naturally I would add 1000 cals easy and never put on excess body fat, so I think that in conjunction with heavy lifting and AAS cycle 1500-2000 additional cals is the right ball park.

  3. #3
    sensaispike's Avatar
    sensaispike is offline Member
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    There is no way I could do 2000 over, at least not clean, I can barely eat 500-1000 over and keep it down, plus I would get fat as hell…. 2000 over would be aprox +4lbs per week and i doubt very strongly that could be clean....

  4. #4
    Epic01's Avatar
    Epic01 is offline Junior Member
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    While bulking I find around 1500-1700 over to b perfect but that's 4 me, everyone's a little different so ur gonna have to find what works best 4 u.

  5. #5
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    flying from the ashes
    AAS help with nutrient partitioning, so your body will use calories more efficiently. 500-1000 surplus (clean calories) should suffice for a good clean bulk. Make sure your diet is spot on with macros for minimal fat gain.

  6. #6
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Best way to figure it out is do 1000 calories for a couple weeks, then bump it to 1500. See if you make better gains or start adding fat. Everyone will be a little different.

  7. #7
    sensaispike's Avatar
    sensaispike is offline Member
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    Dec 2003
    Yea, I have a pretty good grip on my diet, I was mostly asking to see what everyone else is doing.

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