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  1. #1
    Gatts is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011

    New and am looking for a little help.

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to the forums. I've been training for over 10 years on and off. I know what I'm doing in the gym.

    Bf% im Guessing is around the 17-18% mark

    My diet does need some work. I wont lie.


    I'm looking into getting a stack to cut with. Been researching and i'm a tad confused.

    So test /win is what i initially thought now i see esquise in the stack on the website and have read tren is very good for cutting.

    I don't mind putting on some more muscle but I need a boost in the gym, the last month and a half or so i'm forcing myself through the motions when i can. I have a lower back injury that gets aggravated if i use any weight that would compress my spine i.e dumbell shrugs, squats...etc....

    So my goals are to build/reinforce my lower back, keep/build muscle lean mass and lose fat and get rid of this lethargic feeling that i can't seem to get rid of.

    I would ideally like Anavar but its to expensive unless i can find a great deal on it.

    Any advice would be great!

    P.s i will be fixing my diet so don't tell me to go to other sections. I'm curious on trying some of this stuff and seeing what the results are.

  2. #2
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Welcome- Just so we start off on the right foot here: You state that your 5'10 233 @ 17-18. That is a seriously good build; if thats in fact your bf%. What do you base your estimate on?

  3. #3
    Gatts is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011
    I'm usually told i weigh around 190lbs-210lbs nobody actually guesses my weight accurately even long time bodybuilders and such. I work in a gym and am a personal trainer. I have rather large legs so I hold a lot of extra weight there, my calves are 18inches and defined, quads are roughly 24inches, arms around the bicep flexed is 16inches. I only have extra weight around the waist, stomach isn't incredibly flabby but i have love handles and its these two areas that hold most of my fat.

    Just wondering if that helps at all as i don't have any calipers nor a scale to measure it on at the moment.

  4. #4
    Gatts is offline New Member
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    I think my test has dropped recently naturally i'm on tribulus right now to no avail. Been feeling down and lethargic i really have to fight myself to train where as I had to fight myself to take time off before.

  5. #5
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Get a hormone panel done and check it out. Whats your age?

  6. #6
    Gatts is offline New Member
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    im 25

  7. #7
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    It cant hurt to get it checked out. 25 is on the young side for significant natty test probs. Thats not to say it doesnt happen. How is your diet and lifestyle? 25 is the age where partying on the weekend caught up to me. At 18-24 I could party all weekend long and wake up and train monday morning. Now if I indulge it wreaks havoc on high end training for a few days *im 26*.

  8. #8
    Gatts is offline New Member
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    I dont party i work and drive around like crazy. My diet isn't horrible but its far from perfect. i Tend to plan 5-7 meals a day but if i miss one i binge bad, i get hunger pains and will eat almost anything/everything i can. Basically i eat every 2.5-3 hours or try to and if i miss a meal i get starvingly hungry and that is what kills me. Along with friends and family on the occasional weekend. I dont do dr**s or drink. i have in terms of supps. Casein, multivitamin, whey (isolate or a combination), trib, green tea extract, cla, omegas, creatine, glutamine and bcaa.

  9. #9
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    You should just do the basic first cycle. 500mg per week with 250mg injections twice a week. No reason to try stacks cause you don't even know how your body will react to just testosterone . If you add another compound you want know which is causing the problems.

    As you have mentioned, the diet is really the deciding factor in this whole process. Once you get the diet in check and lower that bf% to around 15 you should be set to go.

  10. #10
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sounds like you need some blood work, I would especially check your thyroid, because those symptoms could come from thyroid problems.

  11. #11
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gatts View Post

    Any advice would be great!

    P.s i will be fixing my diet so don't tell me to go to other sections. I'm curious on trying some of this stuff and seeing what the results are.
    1st u tell every1 "Any advice would be great!" & then u tell every1 not 2 advise u 2 go 2 the other sections...............which is it bro? U should hav ur diet sorted out BEFORE ur cycle, not the other way around.

  12. #12
    Gatts is offline New Member
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    Diets in check and just started a cycle of anavar 60mg ed, 20mg three times a day. Now I was told and read to stack it with masteron but I also read to stack it with test e. Now of I were to stack what would you recommend I'm looking to cut off as much fat as possible. I don't mind putting on muscle but I want to mainly lean out

    My diet consists essentially of this

    2 slices of p28 protein bread for breakfast. 14gr of protein per slice

    Protein shake

    Whole weat wrap with steak or chicken with some light spicy Mayo I make


    Greek yogurt

    Pre workout I take musclepharm assault

    Post workout shake 1/4 cup maltodextrin scoop of protein, 10gr glutamine and 5g creatine monohydrate

    Shake before bed (casein or a blended protein that has casein)

    Any further input?

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