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  1. #1
    nankt is offline New Member
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    Deca/Sustanon question

    Hi guys,

    Beginner question here. I'll try not to piss you off - I know there's a lot of attitude when it's felt that people haven't read the stickys etc. I have read them I just wondered if anyone can help me in my situation.

    I've been able to get a hold of some Deca and Sustanon 250, only 4 vials of Sus possibly no more and I'm not 100% sure how much Deca yet but should be a fair bit. From what I've read, these two would go together ok in a stack (correct me if I'm wrong) because what I read about Deca says you should have testosterone with it. I'm looking to bulk up a bit.

    I know that I wont see as many results as if I go on a longer cycle and I would if I could but in Melbourne, it's not that easy to get, it seems like I can only be on the Sus for 8 weeks maybe. All other things being right (training and diet) would I still see good results even if I can't get any more than this? Surely it would still be better than nothing and give my training a boost?

    I'm 24, 5'11 and 170lb. Thanks

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    What's your training history and diet look like?

    And you didn't mention anything concerning PCT....

  3. #3
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^^^ good point and very important 1

  4. #4
    crakawoody is offline New Member
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    4 vials of Sus 250 only going to last 8 weeks? Seems pretty high mate check your doses... Got a bit of reading to do, look up your steroid profiles and suggested doses with sample beginner cycles.
    But yea read into some clomid for pct. Since all the board vets think that since they got to where they are, they have to right to flame people for beginning

  5. #5
    crakawoody is offline New Member
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    Wasn't meaning the comments above, was meaning the ones to come... To avoid confusion

  6. #6
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by crakawoody View Post
    4 vials of Sus 250 only going to last 8 weeks? Seems pretty high mate check your doses... Got a bit of reading to do, look up your steroid profiles and suggested doses with sample beginner cycles.
    But yea read into some clomid for pct. Since all the board vets think that since they got to where they are, they have to right to flame people for beginning
    Clomid only 4 PCT huh?

  7. #7
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by crakawoody View Post
    Wasn't meaning the comments above, was meaning the ones to come... To avoid confusion
    Ur not gona last long here, you've been startin sh!t from ur very 1st post. If u think the vets r out 2 flame people cuz they feel they hav the rite, then y bother spending any time here, ur not gona get much help, if ANY with an attitude like that anyway.

  8. #8
    crakawoody is offline New Member
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    Nolva on hand if needed, hence reading needed

  9. #9
    The Titan99's Avatar
    The Titan99 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'd add another SERM (Nolva) to PCT and HCG to run on cycle. If you've got 2 vials of Sustanon 250 (I'm assuming 10 ml), then you have exactly enough for 10 weeks at 500 mg a week.

  10. #10
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by crakawoody View Post
    4 vials of Sus 250 only going to last 8 weeks? Seems pretty high mate check your doses... Got a bit of reading to do, look up your steroid profiles and suggested doses with sample beginner cycles.
    But yea read into some clomid for pct. Since all the board vets think that since they got to where they are, they have to right to flame people for beginning
    Really? Calling out the all the vets in your first post

    i'll remember that

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I'd add another SERM (Nolva) to PCT and HCG to run on cycle. If you've got 2 vials of Sustanon 250 (I'm assuming 10 ml), then you have exactly enough for 10 weeks at 500 mg a week.
    i was assuming 4 amps of sust. since he was saying its not much

  12. #12
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by crakawoody View Post
    4 vials of Sus 250 only going to last 8 weeks? Seems pretty high mate check your doses... Got a bit of reading to do, look up your steroid profiles and suggested doses with sample beginner cycles.
    But yea read into some clomid for pct. Since all the board vets think that since they got to where they are, they have to right to flame people for beginning
    I can't remember the last time any of them have really flamed anyone. Maybe you can refresh my memory?

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