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Thread: first cycle help needed

  1. #1

    first cycle help needed

    hi guys thanks for looking at my thread and thanks in advance to you guys who offer some genuinely helpful advice.

    i am 24 yrs old, play semi pro rugby, but have been out for sometime now as i had a broken rib.

    weight: 183lbs
    height: 6ft 1
    bf %: not sure as havent checked

    my diet is solid as i have a nutrionalist plan all my meals for me.

    my training is also good have a very good routine which i have to stick to as part of my contract and rehab phase. and have been training solidly for 4 yrs now with my current rugby club.

    i dont believe i need to massively add extra muscle to my physique as i am already muscular so i am looking for a mild muscle builder, my main goal is to shred fat fast and effectively.

    some guys i know have been taking ripped 200 and tri tren not together, they have been taking them with clen and winstrol have have seen great gains in a short space of time.

    i have sort of built a cycle but am looking for help from you guys who know your stuff:

    my cycle is as follows:

    week 1-8

    test prop - 300mg per week
    tren ace - 200mg per week
    clenbuterol - 40/40/60/60/80/80/100 week on week off

    pct to include nolva and clomid

    what sort of gains am i alikely to see based upon this cycle and is there anything i should add to it to increase the effects?

    much appreciated for all your help in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    The responses today probably won't be any different than these....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    not a good 1st cycle at all need to repost when you get knowledgable replies

  4. #4
    jmorgan87......WTF MAN?!?!? My advice wasn't good enuf................that hurts my feeling bro................

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i guess mine neither.

    or keep posting new threads to someone say yes run tren its great for a first cycle

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    The responses today probably won't be any different than these....
    wow lol

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