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  1. #1
    wimp's Avatar
    wimp is offline Associate Member
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    drug sniffing dogs

    Can drug sniffing dogs smell as? I would guess they cant but i need to know for sure. more accuratly can they smell deca , dbol , sus, and fina. thanks


  2. #2
    Rhino58's Avatar
    Rhino58 is offline Senior Member
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    i got away from a dog when i had some var and dbol . I am not toatlly sure their noses are trained to look for gear. You are ok, nothing to worry about.

  3. #3
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    My guess is if they were trained to they could but I doubt to many are trained to.

  4. #4
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    No the custom dogs can not detect AAS. They seem to focus the training on heavier drugs and bombs

  5. #5
    Tock's Avatar
    Tock is offline Anabolic Member
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    Years ago when I was in the military, my job was to train sniffer dogs. They're trained to sniff for either explosives or for narcotics--at least they were back then . . . as it costs extra $$$ to train a dog to smell for additional odors, I doubt the gov't would be willing to pay the extra cash to have 'em snilff for steroids .
    It's a lot easier for a dog to detect a powder than a powder dissolved in a liquid. Once the stuff is packed in a sealed glass bottle, it'd be pretty difficult to detect . . . keep in mind that dogs can't smell through glass or plastic. It's in the packaging where folks make mistakes.
    People think they're being real smart wrapping up contraband in layers of saran wrap, condoms, plastic bottles, whatever, but while they're handling the contraband they get particles of it on their hands, then smear those particles all over the wrapping. So it's not the package contents the dogs detect, it's the particles the smuggler's hands left all over the package. And it doesn't take much, lemme tell ya . . .
    I put a single joint in a ziplock bag, sealed it in a baggie with a twist top, put it in another baggie, put that inside a paper bag and ran it to the top of a flag pole. I took my sniffer dog out to see if he could find it, and it was no problem whatsoever.
    There are ways to package stuff so that dogs can't detect it, it mostly involves superclean packing environments akin to what ya might see in a semiconducter manufacturing plant (giant HEPA filters, scrupulous attention to particle control). Probably cost a few million $$$ to get a packing facilty set up . . . it's not for the average do-it-yourselfer.
    But to more directly answer your question, no, custom's dogs most likely won't be sniffing your AS, unless of course, you accidentally dropped 'em in with a bag of good skunk.
    As a BTW, you probably don't want to be in a situation where a sniffer dog is checking out a vehicle which had mj in the past, and none now, but does have other contraband. What'll happen is the dog will alert on the vehicle giving Officer Friendly probable cause to do a search. So when you go, go in a clean vehicle.

  6. #6
    wimp's Avatar
    wimp is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for the info

  7. #7
    big swoll's Avatar
    big swoll is offline Member
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    nice post gonna give it a bump

  8. #8
    Animal Cracker's Avatar
    Animal Cracker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good read, good info

  9. #9
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    great post tock, bump

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