current Stats:
200 lbs
previous cycles were:
cyp 500 mgs a week - 15 weeks
sust 750 mgs a week w/ 400 mgs of primo a week - 12 weeks
currently on 100 mgs of prop eod with 40 mgs of Dbol
My next cycle ill be doing in a few months, just want to gather some info and opinions before I start.. I have access to nearly anything but my purposed cycle would look like this
750 mgs of sust - 1-12
40 mgs dbol - 1-4
75 mgs Tren A 1-8 (is this dose good for tren A?)
or my other option that i was thinking would be
EQ 400-600 mgs a week 1-12
test E - 750 mgs 1-12
Dbol - 40 mgs 1-4
Goals are to gain solid mass in a bulking cycle. Diet is in check and PCT will include HCG/Airmidex for on cycle and nolv/clom for post, so my real question would be which cycle would you prefer for a bulking cycle? I know each would be great for bulking, and ive gathered these doses from other posts on here and side research, but please feel free to critique! I would run sus with tren for EOD inj ease and viseversa for the test and EQ
Thanks everyone