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  1. #1
    randymeans's Avatar
    randymeans is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2011

    test E, complicated question but someone will know!!

    Alright, I got some test 400 two weeks ago and realized it was junk so i went where i knew the getting was good and got 30cc of test E 250! Yes i do have my pct on hand and i am 25/190/5'7" and have truly maxed out. Diet is tip top and my endurance and lifts are very strong for my size. Okay with that being said lets move to my question, I have taking my 1st 250mg(1cc) shot of my test E three days ago and today in the gym I felt like I was stronger, could the test E already be producing more test through my system than my natural test was producing??

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Sounds like placebo to me bro..

    Did you actually use your test 400???
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    randymeans's Avatar
    randymeans is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2011
    Yes matt, I did! I was reading online about fake test400 (cant say the name) from mexico and realized they were out of business and that the label did not match the ones others have used and the word s.a.r.m.s. was different! I mean it could be real but im highly doubting it man, especially since it didnt hurt when i pined.

  4. #4
    iluv2b_free is offline New Member
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    Nov 2011
    well if the gear was fake u gotta love that placebo strength gain!

  5. #5
    randymeans's Avatar
    randymeans is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2011
    yea very true! working out and dieting is all mental anyway so it made me try even harder and more strict with diet! lost a few lbs of bf so im all smiles!

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